Russian President Vladimir Putin participated online at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a China-Russia-led framework, and welcomed moves toward the accession of friendly Iran and its ally Belarus.
President Putin seems to want to expand the framework and counter the Western side, which is at odds over the situation in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, the Ukrainian army's reversal offensive aimed at retaking territory continues, and the Institute of War Studies, a US think tank, pointed out on the 3rd that there had been slight advance on at least four fronts in the east and south.

Local authorities in the northeastern city of Sumyi announced on the 4rd that Russian forces attacked with Iranian-made drones, killing three people.

In a video, Zelensky said: "Unfortunately, there are no air defense systems yet capable of shooting down all targets, we will do everything possible to strengthen them."

On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin participated in the summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a framework for security and economic cooperation led by China and Russia, online on the 3th.

It was the first time that President Putin had participated in an international conference since Prigozhin, the head of the private military company Wagener, launched an armed rebellion, and Putin emphasized that Russia is united, saying that "the entire Russian political and social world has put up a united front and shown unity and high responsibility for the attempted armed rebellion."

He then stated, "I would like to express my gratitude to the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for expressing support for the actions of the Russian leadership," and emphasized that he had received support from each country.

At this summit, the official accession of Iran, which has friendly relations with Russia, was approved, and Belarus, an ally, also signed a document for accession.

President Putin welcomes the move toward the accession of the two countries, and it seems that he wants to expand the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to counter the Western side.