The summer of 2018 stands out as a period of very high fire risk and a large number of fires. Since 2018, MSB and the emergency services have strengthened their preparedness for forest fires.

– Both material resources in the form of such depots and flying resources, says Fredrik Edlund at the Rescue Service in Medelpad.

In recent years, MSB has extended the agreements for both fire flights and helicopters, which should be able to be in place within 180 or 90 minutes.

Depots in fourteen locations

SVT visits the depot in Fillan, north of Sundsvall, one of fourteen locations in Sweden where MSB has placed forest fire containers with equipment that can be used where needed.

Fire preparedness is currently somewhat chipped away at the edges because Sweden has lent equipment to Ukraine. However, the emergency services in Medelpad believe that the situation is better than it has been before.

Follow SVT to the forest fire depot in the video.