UK: Report points to cost of deportation of asylum seekers in Rwanda

In the United Kingdom, the Home Office has just received an impact assessment on its draft migration law. London wants to send migrants who arrived illegally to Rwanda to seek asylum there.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and visiting Rwandan President Paul Kagame meet at 10 Downing Street, in London, Britain, Thursday, May 4, 2023. © Stefan Rousseau / Reuters

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From our correspondent in London, Emeline Vin

It is a project much criticized on the humanitarian level, for the treatment of minorities and opponents in the East African country. The report also casts doubt on the financial viability of the project.

£170,000, or nearly €200,000: that's what it would cost to send each migrant who arrived illegally in the UK to Rwanda. By way of comparison, hosting the same person, while examining their asylum application, costs 70,000 euros less.

Yet, the cost of caring for asylum seekers is the Conservative government's primary argument for its migration strategy of deterrence. However, the executive does not know how effective this law will be.

Opponents of the project, including within the Conservative Party, denounce the lack of profitability of the policy. A reproach that is added to a long list: in particular, on Rwanda's humanitarian record towards minorities. The government is also accused of abdicating its asylum duties.

More than a year after the presentation of the project, no migrants have so far been sent to Rwanda – despite the payment of more than 150 million euros to Kigali. The British justice must decide on the legality of the text this Thursday, June 29.

" READ ALSO The British justice considers legal the project to deport migrants in Rwanda The British Home Secretary in Rwanda to strengthen the migration agreement

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