The disappearance in Roquetas de Mar (Almería) last Saturday of two sisters of 4 and 9 years of age respectively, has had the Almeria Civil Guard on tenterhooks since this Monday the mother of the girls denounced the absence.

The investigations carried out by the investigators of the case have allowed to find the whereabouts of the sisters, who are now known to have been with their father from the first moment.

Apparently some "little problems" between both parents - whose appearance has not transcended - led the father to leave home with the little ones who, according to sources close to the Armed Institute, are well and have been able to talk to their mother. She herself has let the agents know that she is not worried that her daughters could be in danger or in a situation of risk. "He knows where they are," they have confirmed from the environment of the investigation, and "does not perceive that there is danger to them."

Apparently this is not the first time that the father leaves with the girls, although other previous episodes have been resolved without major problem, the mother would have commented to the agents in charge of the case, and would have also transferred that she does not want more information about what happened in these days to transcend.

The parents of Karina and Dalia are married and so far there is no record that the couple is in the process of separating. For this reason and although at some point there has been talk, even, of kidnapping, the incident can not be qualified as such, they specify from the Civil Guard.

A priori and with the data that are known – a marriage that is not divorced or in the middle of a separation process – this case does not meet the requirements established by law to speak of kidnapping by one of the parents, the sources specify.

However, and even knowing that the girls are located and are not in danger, the investigation, which began once the complaint was filed, will remain open and the proceedings carried out will be sent to the corresponding court, as confirmed from the environment of the Armed Institute.

Now, the objective is to shed light on the circumstances related to an event that has ended with the father taking the girls with him – which would have happened on other occasions – and with the mother denouncing him for it despite the fact that, apparently, she always knew where and with whom her daughters were.

Thus, within the framework of the investigation to clarify what happened, which for the moment will remain open, the Civil Guard has collected in the last hours different testimonies among people close to the family and social environment in which the girls operate.

The events transpired when the National Center for the Disappeared of the Ministry of Interior published on Monday that an alert had been received for the disappearance of the minors. The SOS Desaparecidos association also echoed with the dissemination of the alert on social networks.

  • Civil Guard
  • Almeria

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