Small saver Ronny Jansson lost large sums in Aegirbio's crash (see video) and reported the company's auditor to the Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors. "The company has caused great financial losses and great suffering to thousands of private investors," he wrote in the filing.

Following an investigation, the auditor is now being warned against having breached good auditing practice on two counts. This applies partly to the management of a million-dollar loan and partly to the value of the company's so-called goodwill. (See fact box.)

At the same time, one of Aegirbio's former partner companies gets a different kind of blow.

Would finance purchases

In September 2021, the company Modelity was one of several that participated in a new share issue that gave Aegirbio over SEK 100 million to finance a high-profile purchase of a more established medtech company.

But Modelity was also a company around Aegirbio that could be linked to the large tangle of suspected VAT fraud in the billions that is usually referred to as Sweden's largest fraud tangle, the mobile tangle.

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After SVT's disclosure, the share fell sharply. Hear the tours about the companies around the stock exchange rocket Aegirbio that was linked to the so-called mobile tangle.

The day after SVT revealed the connections, it was announced that Aegirbio's giant purchase had been canceled.

Audited for themselves

And now Modelity's purchase of Aegirbio shares has had an aftermath: The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority has decided that the company, which is now called Modelity in liquidation, will pay a special fee of one million for failing to report on changes in the shareholding, something Modelity said it did not need.

The transactions surrounding Aegirbio have been and are subject to several reviews. Earlier this year, Aegirbio received a million-euro fine from the stock exchange's disciplinary committee and is now being reviewed by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

SVT has sought the auditor and the companies involved.

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The small saver favourite's first order got stuck at customs – but it wasn't announced until much later. Hear the reassuring message from the then CEO – and the criticism from Aktiespararna.