Tianjin, 6 Jun (ZXS) -- On the afternoon of 27 June, Chinese Premier Li Qiang attended the World Economic Forum's Global Entrepreneur Dialogue in Tianjin to discuss and exchange views with representatives of entrepreneurs. World Economic Forum President Schwab chaired the dialogue, which was attended by WTO Director-General Iweala and about 6 entrepreneurs from more than 27 countries and regions.

After listening to the speeches of the representatives of entrepreneurs attending the meeting, Li Qiang said that the wisdom and strength of entrepreneurs are an indispensable driving force for economic development. What the world needs most is communication, and most importantly, open cooperation. Economic globalization has turned all countries in the world into a community of common destiny, and openness and cooperation should be the most basic attitude and method for thinking about problems and handling things.

Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to truly understand China in the midst of great changes. It is hoped that the business community will go deep into China and understand China in three dimensions. China is not only committed to its own development, but also actively shares development opportunities with all parties, and is an open, inclusive and honest country. We will align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, steadily expand institutional opening-up, accelerate the creation of a market-oriented, rule-of-law, and internationalized first-class business environment, and better support the development of all types of enterprises. China's development has injected stability and positive energy into the world, bringing more and more sense of security.

Li Qiang stressed that more cooperation opportunities should be opened up in China's high-quality development. China's strengthening of scientific and technological innovation, the construction of a modern industrial system, and the expansion of domestic demand will promote a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation to make new breakthroughs, and bring huge cooperation opportunities in various industries, especially in new fields and new tracks. We are willing to work with all parties to promote the development of cutting-edge science and technology, expand new areas of cooperation, and open up new broad space for enterprise investment and development.

Li Qiang expressed the hope that entrepreneurs will strengthen their responsibilities in uncertainty, grasp the definite direction of economic development, look for definite opportunities for economic development, gather the deterministic forces of economic development, firmly support economic globalization, and jointly maintain the stability and smoothness of the global industrial chain and supply chain. China's economic upgrading potential is huge, and investing in China is choosing a better future. We are willing to work with entrepreneurs from all over the world to enhance the momentum of high-quality development with high-level openness and cooperation, and inject more certainty into the development of the world economy.

Li Qiang also answered questions from entrepreneurs on how regulators can cooperate with enterprises, data management, and climate change.

Representatives of participating entrepreneurs said that China is the most dynamic market, and the future growth potential is still huge. Global entrepreneurs support the strengthening of cooperation with China, adhere to the strategy of "in China, for China", and are willing to actively participate in the high-quality development of China's economy, carry out in-depth cooperation in the global industrial chain and supply chain, work together to address global challenges such as climate change, and create a mutually beneficial and win-win partnership.

Chen Miner, Wu Zhenglong and others attended the dialogue. (End)