In the clip, we follow Jacob out into his fields where much of his grain plantations have been destroyed.

Jakob Junvik, farmer at Källekulla Farm in Mullsjö, clearly notices the weather on his harvests, despite this, there are other farmers in the area who have it tougher. He tells SVT that today several people need support from the County Administrative Board, but that so far he can do without.

Poor irrigation facilities

Many farmers have been able to prepare better for this year's summer heat compared to the disaster summer of 2018. But for Jakob, the preparations have been more difficult as he does not have much irrigation opportunities on his land.

"We have to be happy about the rain we get, but it's during early summer that we need the rain the most because so much happens then," says Jakob Junvik.

"Varies incredibly much in a field"

After weeks of sun and heat, Jakob drilled holes in several places around the field. On one surface, he drilled 60 centimeters deep into the earth without finding any water.

"There was absolutely no water, it was dirty," says Jakob Junvik.

Just 10 meters further away, he drilled about half as deep and found moist soil.