EU: Nature restoration law suspended for MEPs vote in July

MEPs will have to decide in July whether or not to reject the law to restore ecosystems in the European Union, after the lack of agreement, Tuesday 27 June in Parliamentary Committee, on this key text of the Green Deal violently castigated by the right.

Aerial view of an agricultural field near a forest in southern Finland. (Illustrative image) Getty Images - Miemo Penttinen -

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From our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

44 votes in favour, 44 against. This Tuesday morning, June 27, the blockage was confirmed in the European Parliament, with a 50-50 vote in the parliamentary committee. Environment Committee MEPs did not adopt the report on "nature restoration". The European political tug-of-war over the legislative proposal called "nature restoration" therefore continues. This text, which is one of the cornerstones of the European Green Deal, provides for measures to restore ecosystems degraded by pollution or intensive exploitation. The problem is that it partly affects agricultural land. The text is therefore at the centre of a political battle.

A new setback for the law

The deadlock between left and right is therefore recorded in the European Parliament. There was already the same balance of power in this parliamentary committee two weeks ago. An amendment to reject the entire text was then rejected. Everyone stands by their positions and the arguments are known. Environmental activists accuse the Conservatives of holding the text hostage for political calculation, one year before the European elections. For their part, the Conservatives accuse them of wanting to prevent farmers from cultivating on land necessary to feed Europeans and of threatening agricultural production and fishing.

The result of Tuesday's vote therefore postpones the debate to the plenary session of the European Parliament on 12 July, but without the report of the Environment Committee which proposed to extend the areas to be restored. It will only be a vote on a motion to reject the entire "nature restoration" text. If the text were to overcome this hurdle, a vote on the substance of the proposal would only take place at the September plenary session.

" READ ALSO The European right fails to reject the bill on the restoration of nature

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