Camilla Friberg from Uddevalla arrived at Skara Sommarland for a long-planned two-day visit.

– We have two children and have had the trip booked for months as Skara is what they think is a must in the summer. Now, of course, they are incredibly disappointed, she writes in an email to SVT.

The disappointment is, among other things, that Skara Sommarland on Monday decided to close several attractions as a precautionary measure after the fatal accident at Gröna Lund.

No information

According to Camilla Friberg, the guests have not received any information at all and in the media it appeared that the park would be open as usual.

– We discovered this yesterday when we arrived at the park and several attractions have signs "closed for the day". I have emailed Skara sommarland but have not received a response unfortunately.

Can you understand Skara Sommarland's actions considering what happened at Gröna Lund?

"I absolutely understand that security measures are being taken in view of the situation that has happened and that absolutely must not happen. But I think you really should have closed down the whole park or given families who have booked a chance to choose to cancel otherwise. Now that it's closed and carousels are malfunctioning, people are getting worried that safety at the park isn't so good.

Taking no risks

Skara Sommarland's CEO, Christine Kernfalk, regrets that an unusually large number of attractions have been closed this year. The reasons are several, including difficulties in finding certain spare parts after the pandemic.

Only a couple of the attractions have been closed for extra security checks after the accident at Gröna Lund.

"I understand very much that people are disappointed. At the same time, you have to be prepared for unexpected things to happen in an amusement park. Safety comes first and not everything can always be open," she says.

In the clip, Christine Karmfalk explains how the park thinks about compensation.