"MUCF suspects that the Roma Youth League, by providing incorrect information, or by omitting information, induced the authority to incorrectly pay out organizational grants and project grants," MUCF writes in a press release.

It has therefore been decided to file a criminal complaint with the Swedish Economic Crime Authority and the Swedish Police Authority regarding the Youth Association and its representatives.

According to the authority, recovery of paid contributions may also be relevant.

The background to the complaint is an investigation by the Roma Youth League, which discovered deficiencies in the accounting and conflict of interest among its representatives.

The authority then commissioned an audit firm to conduct an in-depth review of previously awarded grants that reveal "significant deficiencies in the financial reporting". According to MUCF, it has not been possible to determine what the grant money has been used for.

Dagens Nyheter reported last spring that the Roma Youth League, based in Malmö, has received almost SEK 40 million in various grants from MUCF since 2011.

The Roma Youth Association, formed in 2,000, is, according to its own statement, Sweden's largest Roma organization and works to improve conditions for Roma children and young people.

TT has been in contact with the youth association, which declined to comment.

This is how SVT Nyheter Skåne reported this spring about the review of Roma associations in Malmö

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Erland Kaldaras Nikolizsson is close to the Roma associations that have received millions in grants from various authorities. But what has the money been used for? Here you get the background to why the associations are reviewed. Photo: SV, TT, Screenshot from websites