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Angela Merkel in Paris: "Three words saved Europe's honour"


Bertrand Guay / dpa

Germany's former Chancellor Angela Merkel had already received 19 honorary doctorates from renowned universities – now a 20th corresponding award has been added: The Parisian elite university Sciences Po has now also awarded the CDU politician this title.

"You have saved Europe's honour with three words: 'We can do it,'" said university director Mathias Vicherat in Paris on Tuesday evening, alluding to Merkel's famous guideline in the 2015 refugee crisis.

Merkel is one of the political personalities who have had the greatest impact on the construction of Europe since the end of the Cold War, the university emphasized. Merkel is the 28th person to receive an honorary doctorate from Sciences Po. Her predecessors include former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

»University of Power«

In France, Sciences Po is considered the "university of power". Graduates include President Emmanuel Macron, as well as more than 20 former heads of state and government and top business executives.
