Cairo - Some people treat Eid as if it were a routine custom, just a sum of money offered to children or even adults, in a traditional way and as a "duty" that must be spent, and not as something loved, elaborate and attractive, perhaps for this reason handicrafts makers excel every year in devising different means to present Eid in joyful and attractive ways, carrying a degree of surprise, and leaving a beautiful memory on the first day of Eid, each in his own way, and through his craft.

Eidiya via "Rezen"

Perhaps one of the most innovative ideas that Zainab Abdel Qader is working on, where she thought of making a piece "resin", which can bear the image of the owner of the Eidiya and his name, and later turn into an aesthetic piece in the house in different forms.

"There are many ideas for distributing Eidiya, whether it is wood or plastic, but the resin, despite its high price, remains the most distinguished and least widespread," Zainab said.

Surprise on the bed

In Cairo, Hoda El Sayed Qouta produces a collection of "Eid al-Adha distributions" in innovative forms, for her child Yahya and others, using cardboard, foam and colors. "Every Eid, I deliberately surprise my son, I usually hang his Eid on his bed with a dessert he loves, and I am happy that he wakes up and finds gifts wrapped on his bed, then I come back to surprise him when he finds more gifts ready on the trip, and his gifts usually include stories or educational games, and I also prepare gifts to distribute to his friends in front of the mosque and in the garden, including pictures of the sheep, and cheerful drawings for happy holiday, I implement them all with my hands, and I implement them by ordering them also through my business page handmade to others".

Huda believes that the issue is not a luxury, especially at young ages, where beautiful memories are never forgotten, and she says, "We adults rejoice many times the joy that children rejoice in, when we see happiness on their faces, and the most important thing in these distributions is what I learned to children in their youth about the importance of sharing, and kindness with others, especially that gifts are made by hand, and with all love, perhaps for this every time the families of my child's friends contact me to tell me how happy the gifts have made them, and I have made many friends through the custom of Eid distributions."

Distributing Eidiya in innovative ways leaves a good impact on children (Al Jazeera)

Eid and memory

Through the page of her initiative "Raqqa", Nada Ahmed, a young woman who recently graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, receives many requests for "Eid distributions", and says, "On Eid al-Adha specifically, the main idea is sheep in their various forms, whether on a card or on carved wood, there are many ideas in which we use paper or wood, but people especially love Eid cards, because their shape is beautiful and joyful, and they usually bear the name of the people who are given Eidiya."

Cartoon characters adorn Eid cards (Al Jazeera)

More ideas are invented by the young woman in her thirties, and she says, "I help customers coordinate the gift as an idea before implementation, the last of these ideas were boxes inside which chocolate was placed with Eidiya, and we chose that the box be in the person's favorite color, this is usually for adults, as for children, I wanted the box to carry their pictures, in an innovative way in the form of a cartoon poster for a cartoon character they love, and perhaps the real memory will be kept with the type of material; wood, for example, lives longer, but paper is cheaper; client".

Ideas for distributing Eidiya suitable for boys and girls (Al Jazeera)

Laughter before money

Some rely on drawing a smile as an act more important than giving money, this is what Samar Ashraf decided to do, and she says, "I thought about something that makes Eid a special memory for my brothers, and the idea came to me when my husband gave me last Eid a very comic medal, bearing the image of my favorite comedy character, so I decided on this Eid to repeat the story, so I recommended one of the pages to prepare medals carrying their favorite comedy characters, and the idea seemed to me so joyful that I wait with it on the first day of Eid to see The smile on the children's faces when I give them their Eidiya, as I am their older sister and like their mother."

The shortest path to the heart. Stomach

The organizers of the Habat factory for Rashda and pastries in Jordan believe that the shortest path to the heart is the stomach, so those in charge of the bakery decided to prepare a specific colorful dessert to serve Eidiya through it. "Just as Eid al-Fitr is associated with certain baked goods, Eid al-Adha is also associated with a group of pastries, on top of which is the Rashda (cone) that is cooked with meat, borek of all kinds and sambousek, in addition to innovative ideas to present Eid through distributions full of sweets and sweets," said Omran Mohammed, who is in charge of the bakery.

Innovative ideas for presenting Eid through distributions full of sweets and candies (Al Jazeera)

The secret is in the details

In the city of Hurghada, Lamia Abdel Azim chose to take care of the details of Eidiya, especially this year, because the first day of Eid coincides with the birthday of her only daughter, and she says, "I chose for her a box full of details that she likes; a doll in the form of a sheep, as she is still a child in my opinion, although she is close to 19 years old, she also loves glass objects and flowers, so I included all this in a box prepared by one of the shops specialized in making holiday gifts in a special way."

A special box for the presentation of Eidiya (Al Jazeera)

Dawn it. Find Eidiya!

It is true that circumstances do not help her to make innovative forms to present Eidiyas, Rawan Youssef decided to act in her own way because the most important element in Eidiya - according to her opinion - is surprise, and she says, "I offer Eidiya to a large number of children, and I will not have time or budget to make things specific to each of them, the children of the family are about 30 children, so I bought with their number balloons with dark colors, do not heal what is inside, so the child plays a long time, and when the balloon explodes, he does not grieve, but will rejoice because he will stumble I entered it on his hidden Eid, and thus I surprised him and made him happy at the same time."