Vladimir Putin said that the servicemen who ensured order and legality during the attempted armed rebellion on June 24 actually stopped the civil war.

"You defended the constitutional order, life, security and freedom of our citizens, saved our Motherland from shocks, actually stopped the civil war," the president said during a speech to units of the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSO.

According to him, representatives of law enforcement agencies "proved their loyalty to the people of Russia and the military oath."

The President mentioned that units of the Defence Ministry, the National Guard, as well as employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and special services ensured the reliable operation of the most important control centres, strategic facilities, the security of border regions and the strength of the rear of the armed forces, which continued to work at the front at that time.

The President noted that in the current situation, it was not necessary to remove combat units from the NWO zone.

As Putin emphasized, the determination and courage of law enforcement officers, as well as the consolidation of the entire Russian society, played a decisive role in stabilizing the situation.

"The people who were dragged into the rebellion saw that the army, the people are not with them," the head of state said.

He also noted that the rapid and accurate deployment of law enforcement units made it possible to stop the dangerous development of the situation in the country, to prevent civilian casualties.

The transfer of equipment of the Wagner PMC to the military and the termination of the criminal case

On June 27, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that preparations were underway to transfer to the disposal of the department of heavy equipment at the disposal of the Wagner PMC.

"Preparations are underway for the transfer of heavy military equipment to the existing units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by the Wagner PMC," the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Recall that on the morning of June 24, the forces of the Wagner PMC blocked a number of facilities in Rostov-on-Don, including the headquarters of the Southern Military District. Some of the fighters of the group moved towards Moscow.

Against the backdrop of the current situation, Russian President Vladimir Putin made an address on the morning of June 24, in which he announced an armed rebellion and said that the country had received a "stab in the back" at a time when the hardest struggle was being waged against the entire military, economic and information machine of the West.

Later in the day, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko announced that an agreement had been reached with the founder of the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, to stop traffic on Russian territory. Prigozhin himself confirmed that the fighters are going to "field camps".

On the morning of June 27, the FSB announced that the criminal case initiated earlier under Article 279 of the Criminal Code of Russia on the fact of an armed rebellion had been terminated.

"During the investigation of the criminal case initiated by the Investigation Department of the FSB of Russia on June 23, 2023 under Article 279 of the Criminal Code of Russia on the fact of an armed rebellion, it was established that its participants on June 24, 2023 stopped actions directly aimed at committing a crime," the department's Public Relations Center said.

On the evening of June 26, Vladimir Putin made an address in which he stressed that an armed rebellion would have been suppressed in any case. He also said that as a result of these events, the fighters of the Wagner PMC could sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense, return to relatives and friends or go to Belarus.

The Russian president also thanked Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko for his contribution to the settlement of the rebellion.

On June 27, Lukashenka himself, during the presentation of general's shoulder straps to the senior officers of the Belarusian armed forces, spoke about the events in Russia. According to him, many citizens of the republic took this situation "to heart."

Lukashenka continued, saying that against the backdrop of an attempted armed rebellion in Russia, he gave orders to bring the army and law enforcement agencies to full combat readiness.

"The worst thing is that if there was turmoil, the West would instantly take advantage of it," Lukashenka said. According to the Belarusian leader, "if Russia collapses, we will remain under the rubble, we will all die."