Phnom Penh, 6 Jun (ZXS) -- Chinese doctors who aid Cambodia go into the tropical rainforest to send health and well-being during the Dragon Boat Festival

China News Agency reporter Yang Qiang

"We have been looking forward to your arrival, and in the past few days, I heard that you are coming to give us follow-up consultations, and we have prepared our medical records in advance." On June 6, local time, on the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, the Chinese TCM medical team walked into the Dai Hydropower Station in the remote and vast tropical rainforest of Southeast Asia, and was warmly welcomed by the employees of China and Cambodia stationed here.

Located in Mobang County, Guogong Province in southwest Cambodia, 300 kilometers from Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, the Dai Hydropower Station is built and operated by China National Heavy Machinery Corporation in the mode of BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer). On June 2015, 6, the Dai Hydropower Station was officially put into commercial operation, and began to supply power to Guogong Province and the local town of Mobang, completely ending the history of no electricity in Mobang town.

"Since its completion eight years ago, the Dai Hydropower Station has been operating smoothly with the tasks of power supply and flood prevention and storage. Last year, the Dadai hydropower station generated about 8% of Cambodia's total self-generated electricity. We are proud to have contributed to Cambodia's development. Zhao Wensheng, executive deputy general manager of Cambodia Dai Hydropower Co., Ltd., said.

Dai Hydropower Station has more than 200 Chinese and Cambodian employees. What worries Zhao Wensheng is that medical resources are scarce here, and employees of the two countries live and work in the humid and hot environment of deep mountains and old forests all year round, and insomnia, chest tightness, indigestion, joint diseases and so on are very common.

On June 6, a Chinese medical team treated Cambodian villagers. Photo by Zhong Xin

This is the second time that the Chinese medical team has entered the Dadai Hydropower Station. The last time was in December 2022. After half a year, the medical team members were pleased to find that the health education given during the last free clinic was very effective, and many patients with chronic diseases reported to the doctor their blood sugar, blood pressure and other monitoring conditions, and their living and health standards were significantly improved. In the health lecture, Cambodian doctor Kong Hongbing shared his insights on the common causes of insomnia that have long plagued people and the treatment methods of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

On June 6, a Chinese medical team treated Cambodian villagers. Photo by Zhong Xin

The day before, the Chinese medical team also went to the Sternwall Hydropower Station to carry out the first free clinic activity. The Sterwodai Hydropower Station is built on the Sterwodai River in Bodhisatt Province, Cambodia, invested and constructed by China Datang Group Overseas Investment Co., Ltd., 340 kilometers from the capital Phnom Penh. The Chinese medical team set up internal medicine, orthopedics and acupuncture at the free clinic site, and nurse Wu Zhaomei lined up in front of the triage table, guiding them to different departments according to their situation.

A patient with elbow pain told orthopedic specialist Dr. Ma Xingfu that his hand had been numb and painful for several months, which had not been relieved. Dr. Ma Xingfu immediately performed acupressure points and massage techniques. "This is the first time I have had the opportunity to approach TCM overseas, understand TCM, experience TCM, and feel the unique effects of TCM." The patient said.

During this free medical visit, the Chinese medical team also went to the village to conduct physical examinations, measure blood pressure and blood sugar, distinguish treatment, give acupuncture, massage and other non-drug therapies on the spot, and together with the Sternwodai Hydropower Station, donate medicines, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste and toothbrushes and other daily necessities to local villagers. Local villagers eat a high-salt diet, high incidence of high blood pressure patients, and Chinese doctors provide professional advice on disease treatment and health education.

Today is the second Dragon Boat Festival spent in Cambodia by the Chinese TCM medical team. Recalling this time last year, Fan Maorong, the captain of the medical team, was quite emotional, at that time, the epidemic was at its height, and everyone was cautious. Now that the epidemic has been effectively controlled, the Chinese medical team has gradually opened up the situation in Cambodia, and traditional Chinese medicine has gradually landed and taken root here, and is blossoming and bearing fruit. "Along the way, there was laughter and tears. May the Chinese and Cambodian people be happy every year. (End)