Two years ago, the Government commissioned the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten to review municipalities and regions' safety work in Västerbotten, Norrbotten, Västernorrland and Jämtland counties. This is due to the changed security situation.

The County Administrative Board has found deficiencies in three municipalities in northern Sweden, Strömsund, Pajala and Sorsele.

– This can lead to vulnerabilities that in turn can risk national security, says Karin Börjesson, head of department at the county administrative board in Norrbotten.

'Unfortunate circumstances'

Exactly what Sorsele municipality has failed to do is unclear because parts of the documents are confidential.

"Unfortunately, this incident is a case of unfortunate circumstances. Now this is the municipality's top priority, says municipal commissioner Kjell Öjeryd (V).

The municipalities must pay a sanction fee. For Sorsele, it is about SEK 2 million.

"Of course, this is a considerable amount for a small municipality like Sorsele. We will file an appeal, says Marie Strinnholm, acting municipal manager in Sorsele.

Listen to Marie Strinnholm talk about how she views the sanction fee and the municipality's shortcomings in security protection.