After the criticism from the health centers, Filip Saxena says that there is a need and a demand for digital care, and believes that it can relieve health centers.

Gustaf Nälser, operations manager at the Ekensberg health center in Nyköping, is more critical and says in Aktuellt that the need for help and advice has existed for many years, but that previously you might have asked a relative or friend.

"The problem is that it takes up resources from the healthcare system.

Patients' concerns: "Our task"

Filip Saxena believes that patients have a concern that needs to be taken care of.

– Then it is our task as a healthcare company to take care of the patient in a way that relieves the healthcare system right now because now it does not work optimally.

SVT's survey shows that people who seek care unnecessarily risk displacing those who actually need care. Filip Saxena says that they do not want to displace sicker patients, but that digital care can help to refer patients correctly.

"It works with us.