Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP 21:24 p.m., June 21, 2023

This Wednesday, the Prime Minister promised in front of some 400 young people gathered in Matignon for the restitution of the Council of the refoundation on youth to go "to the end" of their proposals, which have not all been retained in its dedicated roadmap. On Tuesday, Elisabeth Borne announced that the age of the license would be lowered to 17 years.

Elisabeth Borne promised Wednesday in front of some 400 young people gathered at Matignon for the restitution of the Council of the refoundation on youth to go "to the end" of their proposals, which have not all been retained in its dedicated roadmap. From driving from the age of 17 to the renovation of student housing, through a "pass train" for the most committed of them, the Prime Minister announced Tuesday on the media Brut her measures in favor of young people, which she had received during five thematic meetings rue de Varenne.

"You can count on us to follow through on your proposals," said the Prime Minister at the conclusion of exchanges Wednesday with several ministers on commitment, ecology, daily life and the professional future. "We will have an interministerial youth committee at the beginning of the school year. So we will continue to work on these proposals, on all the themes that are behind us and on which you have worked," she added, thanking them for their "energy" and their "ideas", which "obviously oblige us to make the best of them".

Voting from the age of 16 in municipal elections

Young people have proposed to upgrade civic service "by 100 euros more per month". Others suggested that young people could vote as early as 16 in municipal elections, "gateway to citizenship" when one in four young people do not vote. "The fight of abstention is the first to lead," said Secretary of State for Youth and SNU Sarah El Haïry. One young person proposed that each class could "restore a piece of nature", another asked that ecology be carried by popular neighborhoods, which will "suffer" more these changes than others.

>> READ ALSO - EUROPE 1 AND YOU - "We are not mature at this age": the French divided around the license at 17 years old

Accompanied by fifteen ministers, the head of government insisted on "mentoring", "the network of those who do not have one", greeting her mother, "who managed to accompany us" after the suicide of her husband, when Elisabeth Borne was 11 years old. She said she was "struck" by the harassment, which comes up in each exchange, and will be "a priority of the next school year". The Prime Minister then strolled through the gardens of Matignon where young people presented their workshops. However, she had to cut short her visit after being informed of the collapse of a building in the heart of Paris, where at least 29 people were injured, four of them seriously.