Charles Guyard, edited by Alexandre Dalifard / Photo credit: LOIC VENANCE / AFP 20:13 pm, June 21, 2023

While "The Uprisings of the Earth" were officially dissolved in the Council of Ministers, a call to demonstrate was launched this Wednesday evening in front of all the prefectures of France, including Nantes. For the occasion, Europe 1 went on site to meet the demonstrators.

The collective "The Uprisings of the Earth" officially dissolved this Wednesday. The dissolution was pronounced in the Council of Ministers because of the violence committed by its members in the name of climate protection. The lawyers of the collective will file an appeal before the Council of State and a call to demonstrate was launched this Wednesday evening in front of all the prefectures of France, including Nantes where Europe 1 went.

Protesters determined to continue actions

"Trying to silence the Earth Uprisings is a vain attempt to break the thermometer rather than worry about the temperature," were the words that resonated in front of the prefecture of Nantes where nearly a thousand people are currently gathered to rebel against the dissolution of the collective. Among the demonstrators, Paco, 30, worries about a possible drift. "I'm here to lend my support. If it is the Earth Uprisings today, it may be another association tomorrow that campaigns for a brighter future than the one we are offered, that's for sure. I register without label to the support of those I consider important for the future of the country, "says the Nantes at the microphone of Europe 1.

>> READ ALSO - What is the Earth Uprisings, the collective that Gérald Darmanin will dissolve?

For Agnès Bourgeais, mayor of Rezé who addresses a various left label and a tricolor scarf on the chest, his presence is necessary to criticize the double standards of the government. "I still find it very worrying that we are going to the dissolution of the Earth Uprisings when some far-right groups are still active and we have still not denounced their behavior. I will not talk about my colleague from Saint-Brévin...", says the edile.

In any case, in Nantes, no one believes in a definitive end to the movement. On the contrary, all are even determined to continue the actions. A new voice is added to that of the left to support the collective, that of the young environmental activist Greta Thunberg. The Swede believes that the right to demonstrate must be defended.