Jinhua, June 6 (Wang Xiaojing) Happy life is what everyone expects. In the process of answering the "answer" of common prosperity, Zhejiang, as a pathfinder, deeply feels the importance of developing rural areas with "people" available.

Located in Pan'an County, Jinhua City, in central Zhejiang, the "mountain" was once a geographical barrier that hindered economic development here. In 2012, Cai Wenjun, a member of the Democratic Construction Association who participated in the construction of returning to his hometown, proposed the "My Happiness Plan", adopting the model of "villagers' traditional planting + modern marketing of the company" to develop characteristic boutique agriculture, helping local farmers embark on the "road of happiness" to increase income.

Throughout the past 12 years of development, "My Happiness Plan" has been continuously upgraded to "Our Happiness Plan". Relying on this brand, Zhejiang's democratic parties have made every effort to provide talents for Pan'an, help rural revitalization, improve people's livelihood and well-being, gather wisdom and power in the "heart of Zhejiang", realize the beautiful transformation from ecology to business format, and become a practical sample for mountainous areas to solve development problems and enhance development momentum.

Today, through the "window" of Pan'an, the story of Zhejiang's democratic parties "working together" to help common prosperity continues to write a new chapter.

"Old House" Transformed into "Golden House"

Tracing up the Lingjiang River, surrounded by verdant mountains, white-walled and black-tiled dwellings are scattered. This "paradise" at the top of the mountain is the Sanmutian Natural Village located in Panfeng Township, Pan'an County.

"Gray on a sunny day, mud on a rainy day." Dong Jun, secretary of the party committee of Panfeng Township, described the former three-acre field natural village this way. She introduced that the natural village belongs to Lingjiangyuan Village, with an average altitude of 750 meters, and there were only more than 10 people in the village who were at home all year round, and the average household income was less than 4,<> yuan.

In 2010, Zhang Weibin, vice chairman of the Pan'an Branch of Minjian Construction and president of the Pan'an County New Association, responded to the call to his hometown to start a business and invested in the operation of Lingjiangyuan Forest Park.

"Tourism has made Lingjiangyuan Village an economically advanced village in the county, and has also driven the construction of beautiful villages in Lingjiangyuan." Zhang Weibin introduced that in 2017, relying on the shared and co-prosperity development model of Lingjiangyuan Village Jingcun, Sanmutian Natural Village took the lead in organizing and implementing the transformation of the entire village, and through unified planning, design, demolition, construction and resettlement, Zhejiang style houses with white walls and black tiles were built, realizing the characteristics of every household courtyard.

Today, Sanmutian Natural Village, which rides the east wind of tourism, takes farmhouse leisure tourism as the leading industry, helping villagers successfully build high-end homestays in Pan'an, turning old houses into "golden houses", and villagers eat "ecological rice" at their doorstep.

"We have successfully built a regional farmhouse brand, registered the trademark 'mu', and the average annual operating income of business households has reached more than 30,<> yuan." Dong Jun said happily that more and more young people are now choosing to come back to invest in entrepreneurship.

"Millennium Medicinal Materials" Innovation and Development of "Medicinal Snacks"

From an ordinary grass on the mountain, it has gradually become one of the pillar industries of the rich people, and then evolved into a well-known Jiangnan medicine town. In Pan'an, the cultivation of medicinal herbs by families and the smell of medicinal fragrance in towns and towns have become a landscape.

Walking into the Pan'an County Vocational Education Center, its unique medicine garden base is eye-catching.

It is reported that the "Provincial Authentic Medicinal Materials Planting Base" was built by the United Front Work Department of the Pan'an County Party Committee, and the Pan'an County Vocational Education Center and the Pan'an Branch of the Minjian Construction Association jointly established, aiming to carry forward and inherit the excellent Chinese medicine culture, give full play to the advantages of the hometown of Chinese medicinal materials, cultivate medicinal food skills, lead young people in mountainous areas to embark on the happy road of "Pan'an taste, get rich", and constantly enrich the connotation of "Our Happiness Plan".

"As the non-genetic inheritor of medicinal diet, my specialty is to turn bitter and astringent Chinese medicine into a delicious and nutritious medicinal diet and a good medicine for strengthening the body." Xu Yongmin, a member of the Democratic Construction Association, has been engaged in the culinary industry for more than 30 years, and he has always had a wish, that is, to use the rich resources of Chinese medicinal materials in his hometown to develop medicinal food, cultivate talents, and become bigger and stronger.

At present, Xu Yongmin's wish is being realized. In October 2022, he established more than 10 "Pan'an Medicated Food" stores across the country, driving more than 30,200 people from more than 1200 local households to employment. At the same time, under his training, 165 high-skilled talents emerged. Among them, 15 people won the title of "Zhejiang Young Craftsman".

From "I" to "We"

Members of democratic parties have extensive contacts, active thinking, and outstanding ability to mobilize resources. Because of this, from "my happiness plan" to "our happiness plan", the word increase represents the wisdom of more members of Zhejiang's democratic parties, from the local area to the whole region, and constantly broadens the channel of transformation from "green water and green mountains" to "golden mountains and silver mountains", and the "flower of happiness" of common prosperity blooms in the mountains of Zhejiang.

Concentric songs continue, twelve years of classic brands continued. At the "Zhijiang One Heart Our Happiness Plan" promotion meeting and the Zhejiang Provincial Democratic Party to help rural revitalization work symposium held on the 20th, the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, the Democratic League, the Democratic Construction Association, the Democratic Progressive Party, the Peasants' and Workers' Party, the Jiusan Society, and the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Taiwan Democratic League exchanged information on the work of helping rural revitalization, resonated at the same frequency, and optimized and upgraded the path and guarantee for democratic parties to help rural revitalization in the new era.

Wang Liyue, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, said that the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas is an important puzzle on the road to rejuvenation. All democratic parties should promote a more accurate and effective integration of resources, advantages, strengths, characteristics and rural revitalization, and contribute the wisdom and strength of democratic parties to the new picture of the "10 million projects" of "leading by a thousand villages, revitalizing ten thousand villages, common prosperity in the whole region, and harmony between urban and rural areas". (End)