The Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia announced the detention of a resident of the Khabarovsk Territory involved in committing high treason.

According to the Center for Public Relations (DSP) of the FSB, we are talking about providing financial assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in activities directed against the security of the Russian Federation.

"The detainee, using cryptocurrency tools, transferred personal funds through third parties residing in Ukraine to the account of a foreign charitable foundation for the purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles, thermal imaging sights, ammunition and medical uniforms for the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the DSP said.

A criminal case has been initiated against the detainee under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of Russia ("High Treason").

As follows from the video published by the FSB, the suspect was placed in custody in the FKU SIZO-2, located on Lefortovsky Val Street in Moscow.

  • A resident of the Khabarovsk Territory was detained on suspicion of financing the Armed Forces of Ukraine with cryptocurrency

In March, the FSB reported the detention of a resident of Moscow, who was suspected of assisting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The girl was detained while trying to leave Russia.

A criminal case was opened against the suspect under the article "Treason". The department then recalled that the sanctions under this article of the Criminal Code provide for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 12 to 20 years with a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles or the income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years.

Prevention of an assassination attempt on a representative of the authorities of the Zaporozhye region

Along with this, on June 21, the FSB of Russia in the Zaporozhye region reported on the prevention of an assassination attempt on an employee of the state authority of the region.

"The crime was planned to be committed with the use of an improvised explosive device, the components of which the members of the criminal group received from representatives of the special services of Ukraine," the FSB said in a statement in the region.

Employees of the department identified and detained saboteurs. At their places of residence and stay, components for the manufacture of an improvised explosive device, instructions for the production of IEDs, as well as data incriminating intruders working for the Ukrainian special services were found and seized.

A criminal case has been opened under Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Terrorist Act").

Shortly before that, the FSB also reported on the suppression of attempts by the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to organize terrorist attacks against the leadership of the Zaporozhye region.

In the course of this work, Russian counterintelligence officers identified an employee of the Ukrainian special service, who supervised the activities of the accomplices recruited by him from among the residents of the Zaporozhye region.

The FSB announced the receipt of comprehensive information regarding the operations carried out by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The security agencies identified the direct executor and accomplice, and also seized the means of committing crimes, determined the channels of undercover communication and methods of financing.

Along with this, the DSP published a video in which the perpetrator of the impending terrorist attack said that he was contacted by representatives of Ukrainian intelligence and offered to cooperate in the interests of Kiev.

As the detainee explained, he was instructed to follow the representative of the military-civilian administration of Berdyansk, and then reported that the official should be eliminated by blowing up his car. For the transfer of explosives, the Ukrainian special services recruited a woman who was supposed to place the corresponding cargo in a cache.

Criminal cases have been initiated against the detained accomplice under Part 2 of Article 205 (terrorist attack) and Part 2 of Article 222.1 ("Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation, transfer or carrying of explosives or explosive devices") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.