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  • Arrest José Luis Moreno: the ventriloquist and producer feared by many who has married "a Greek, an Italian and a German"

The children are self-absorbed "and a little up to their noses," says their mom Mary Carmen. In other rooms of his house in El Puerto de la Cruz Doña Rogelia, Nícol, Daisy and Rodolfo have taken a few hours sabbatical. It's been six decades of hard work. The eminent psychiatrist López Ibor already commented at the time: "You have five personalities."

The most famous Spanish-speaking ventriloquist is not crazy, but she goes crazy when she makes a social X-ray: "Culture is toilet paper. There are kids at the university who don't even know Cervantes. Living in ignorance means the domination of the masses. There are a number of forces such as the Rome Group or the Bilderberg Club that have been programming what happens for some time. They will get a single state, a single army, a single language, currencies will cease to exist... The power of comfort is dangerous," he told LOC.

Although it continues to flow through the current of positivism, he cannot help but smell a certain stench "because living in immediacy means failure. There is no place for critical thinking." Mary Carmen has just turned 80 with indescribable vitality and a prodigious memory. At the age of 14 she was clear that she wanted to be an artist, she told a friend that she would be a millionaire very soon and left it written on the wall of the prison with a hairpin: "Here was Mary Carmen, the person who will be famous in a short time."

The only thing he can be accused of is stealing our laughter. But there was a moment when she was arrested because as a minor she was traveling on a train with Natalio, the father of José Luis Moreno (76), with whom she had started in the puppet theater. Not having the permission of her parents "the policeman forced me to get off at the next station to put me in jail", but after a few hours they took her to a reformatory of rebellious girls where the nuns put her in another cell until Natalio arrived with the papers in order.

"At the age of 19 I was already going around with Natalio because we were hired by city councils throughout Spain. He made me my first two dolls, Daisy and Níkol. She's such a gossip... Now she's immersed in Tamara's wedding (laughs)." She immediately became friends with José Luis, with whom she would come to work and who is still accused of the alleged macro-scam of the Titella case – puppet in Catalan – that a few days ago gave a change of course because the National Court has given the reason to the ventriloquist for the judge to urge to testify as witnesses to the police officials because apparently the evidence of the accusation could be subjective.

"We talk from time to time," Mary Carmen adds. "With me he was always a gentleman, a producer with whom we made great hits with great audiences. I don't know what he did, but he certainly didn't need to, or maybe he did? Even if he who is free from sin... I'm not the one to judge anyone, but I wish them well." Doña Rogelia and Rodolfo were made by Manuel Meroño, a disciple of Natalio.

From Spain he jumped to Venezuela, and then to Mexico, where he had a resounding triumph with Rodolfo, who in our country had been banned for being gay after appearing at Saturday's Galas with Joaquín Prat and Laura Valenzuela. "He was the first to come out of the closet with the hanger on his back (laughs), he is very tender, nothing histrionic or exaggerated, very sweet and he was the favorite character of the ladies who left the Liceo de Barcelona when they went to see me. They would say, 'How beautiful, how tender!'

At other times he pulled wits to circumvent censorship and say things with more talent, as in one of his performances in Florida Park when the rebellious Daisy said that "everything was frankly wrong", so the censor appeared in his dressing room. "Don't say it again," he objected and she replied: "Do you think it's an offense to Franco? Well, how badly he interprets it, why has he associated it?" And in the end he asked for forgiveness.

Mary Carmen is a sweetheart. And very smart. "I live on the inheritance of my fulfilled dreams that were forged in my childhood," he says. He continues to read great authors and thinkers such as Rilke, Tagore, Dante, Lope de Vega and is currently rereading The studies on love of Ortega y Gasset. "I wouldn't have had to marry the father of my child if I had listened to Ortega. He made it very clear: 'There are very few loved and very few lovers' and I keep saying that I have not loved, nor have I been loved, nor have you either." After three years of relationship she married Manuel Almanzor in 1980 and the following year their only son, Manuel, was born.

He complains because there are no longer programs to promote music, art, cinema... He misses spaces like the one he presented on TVE, ¡Ay, vida mía! (1992-1994), "which reached a 43% audience and where Gilbert Bécaud, Sylvie Vartan, Julio Iglesias, Lina Morgan or Rocío Dúrcal passed". Remember what he read from a columnist at ABC: "Television kills what it ignores." Aware that we are puppets, Mary Carmen continues to go against the system. She owns her life, and she is writing it to be read. For now there are two books, The threads that move my life and Biography of a puppet. Nobody beats personality. Rogelia and Rodolfo who made them.

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