Stéphane Bern SEASON 2022 - 202318h00, June 08, 2023

Historically Yours brings together characters whose will has sown discord: King Louis XIV who, for lack of an immediate successor to the throne, wrote a will in which he proposed a regency committee, in the expectation that the future Louis XV would be old enough to govern the France. But not all respected his last wishes, starting with his nephew, the Duke of Orleans who became Regent. Then the brothers Edmond and Jules de Goncourt, two writers, two socialites with a sharp tongue, who had written down their desire to see the birth of an Academy in their name, to reward writers, with a handsome sum of money to the key. If their legatees honored their idea, family members did everything to prevent them... And an icon whose death saddened the France, a France who also witnessed, because of his will, the tearing apart of a family before his eyes still fogged: Johnny Hallyday.


- Thierry Sarmant, historian
Author of "The Regent" (Perrin)

- Pierre Ménard, writer
Author of "Les Infrequentables frères Goncourt" (Tallandier)