The polls have drawn a devilish arithmetic scenario for the PP in Barcelona. He must choose between two possible mayors: Xavier Trias -candidate of Junts per Catalunya, although with his own marked accent- and Jaume Collboni, of the PSC, who wants to govern with the help of the commons of Ada Colau and ERC. The 'popular' candidate, Daniel Sirera, does not want to support either of the two projects. I would never vote for Trias, because he is the representative of the independence movement closest to Puigdemont. And Collboni will only give the four votes of the PP if he breaks with his partners.

There is no positive solution for the Barcelona PP. If they put themselves in profile, the dilemma worsens: in the event that the popular councilors vote for Sirera in the investiture session on June 17, the mayor of Barcelona would be Trias, because if no candidate adds the majority, the one from the most voted list is automatically appointed. Junts took out 11 councillors; PSC, 10; the party of Colau, 9; CKD, 5; PP, 4; and Vox, 2. The absolute majority is 21 councillors.

What happens to Sirera is what in ethics is known as the "tram dilemma" (prioritizing a bad decision to a worse one) and in the PP they synthesize with another more mundane expression: "Scare or death". But at this time the PP of Barcelona would vote for itself, if Collboni does not break with Colau and ERC, according to the sources consulted. The 'popular' say that, today, the project of the PSC candidate also drags an independence side. PSC, the 'commons' and ERC would have free rein for the entire legislature.

Therefore, if Collboni does not accept Sirera's offer, the direct consequence would be that the mayor would be Trias. Of course, in the PP of Barcelona remember that it would govern handcuffed by arithmetic, since it does not add the majority with ERC, and would always need a partner ('floating' or not) more to carry out the absolute majorities against the rest of the parties. That is, only the independentistas could not do any "barbarity". They would need someone to act as a referee.

Sirera ran for election with two strong ideas in which he refers to pacts. Never vote for a pro-independence mayor and not vote for the continuity of Ada Colau or her party. However, the paradox is, once again, that if he fulfills both there will be an independentist mayor, but if he modulates his position, there could be a constitutionalist mayor. Supported by ERC, yes, but in the background.

Both Trias and Collboni have phoned Sirera to ask for her support. The PP candidate has affirmed, in an interview offered to esRadio, that he wants to "explore a constitutionalist, sensible government that restarts Barcelona and that Trias does not represent." And he added that a PSC "well taken" and with a PP that conditions it, would make the consistory work satisfactorily. "We could take Barcelona forward."

However, Sirera has warned that he cannot support Collboni "by giving him a blank check" with the risk that after the general elections he will form a government with the 'commons', something he has insisted he will not allow.

Finally, we must add an even more convoluted formula. The PSC could win the mayor's office if Vox supported Collboni. For now, those of Santiago Abascal reject it and are going to vote for themselves.

  • CKD
  • PSC
  • Barcelona
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  • Vox
  • Together for Catalonia
  • Santiago Abascal Conde
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