• Sumar Pablo Iglesias accuses Más Madrid, comunes and Compromís of vetoing Podemos in the lists
  • 23-J Yolanda Díaz does not wait for Podemos and launches her campaign amid desperate attacks from Iglesias
  • Negotiations The internal war shakes the construction of Sumar: the commons denounce that Podemos negotiates to go with ERC to the generals

The newly appointed campaign spokesman of Sumar, Ernest Urtasun, has premiered denying Pablo Iglesias and neutralizing the accusation that the former secretary general of Podemos launched against the partners of Yolanda Díaz of being demanding to exclude the purple leaders of the electoral lists. Among them, Irene Montero. "I want to say it very clearly and all the organizations have said it: no veto is being considered," he stressed, corroborating the versions of Más Madrid, comunes and Compromís.

Less than 60 hours before the end of the legal deadline to register a coalition agreement of Sumar with fifteen left-wing parties, Urtasun wanted to convey on Wednesday a message of "optimism" in the face of the "noise" that has been generated in the last hours and that has triggered both the tension between the political formations involved and the concern in the voters. Especially because of the problems that are having to agree with Podemos. "The talks are progressing at a good pace," he said. "I think we won't make it to the last minute and we will be able to give good news shortly."

This idea of suggesting that the alliance is close to closing has been stressed twice. "We are optimistic about being able to give news very soon," he also said in his debut as spokesman for Sumar in a visit to the Doñana natural park, together with the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz. The deadline to register the coalition is Friday at 23.59 hours, but from Sumar would like to announce as late tomorrow.

Urtasun, who is the only one of the two who has spoken to the media about the open negotiations, has acknowledged that the "puzzle" of parties makes the dialogue "complex" but stressed that the talks "are progressing well." "We are currently finalizing the agreement, talking to everyone and when the agreement is finalized we will present the best teams to go out and win the country," he said.

In new spokesman, who has also intervened in La Sexta, has avoided entering the "noise" generated around but has insisted that there is "no type of veto" on the table, but that it is trying to put together "ambitious candidacies" and without exclusions.

Contacts continue to take place at "all levels" with that will. In fact, agreements such as the one reached yesterday in the Canary Islands with Drago, the party of Alberto Rodríguez, which is officially integrated into the candidacy in the islands, are already being closed. This afternoon Más Madrid is expected to approve that same decision, while other forces such as Izquierda Unida (IU), Catalunya en Comú, Partido Comunista (PCE) or Equo-Verdes are about to make it official as well. The doubt remains in Podemos, with whom there are more obstacles.

"We all share one goal: to give the left-wing electorate a platform as successful and ambitious as possible and to go with all the enthusiasm to vote," said Urtasun, who has refused to "settle in defeatism" and who is urged to mobilize to "win the country."

Podemos breaks its silence

Many kilometers away from Huelva, in Madrid, the leadership of Podemos has broken its silence and has pressed to get a pact. "Podemos has been where it has always been, working for unity. And when there is news we will send them to you, "said the secretary general of the party, Ione Belarra, in a visit to a center that treats autism.

For his part, the spokesman for Unidas Podemos in Congress, Pablo Echenique, has considered in statements to journalists after the Permanent Deputation that the agreement "is very late" and that "precious time to campaign" is being lost.

On the vetoes denounced by Podemos, Echenique has returned to give them pabulum. "I think it doesn't matter what I say. Just look at what the parties of Sumar have said publicly, I do not need to say it, "he said, remarking that "it is clear what has happened independently" of what he can declare in this regard.

IU: 1,700 councilors and key in Andalusia

In the open debate on how much each political force weighs when it comes to distributing the positions on the electoral lists, IU has today taken chest in a statement on its results in the municipal elections of May 28, in which the organization "reaffirms itself as the main municipalist force of the transformative left" with 1,700 councilors. Making that map has been very complicated by the number of candidacies of all kinds that existed (with agreements with different parties), and you had to go practically locality by locality to make the count.

Despite the very strong fall suffered by the candidacies led by Podemos in the regional elections, IU has achieved a similar figure of the municipal positions it had in 2019, confirming that the territorial implantation of its party is the most powerful of this political space and that it has resisted much better to the debacle of Podemos. It is a clear message for open negotiations.

Where more councillors have IU is in Andalusia (840), followed by Castilla y León with 149, Asturias with 123, and Castilla-La Mancha with 130. Therefore, the chances of IU achieving key positions in the 23-J lists in these territories are very high.

Díaz strengthens his green discourse

When Sumar, Podemos and the rest of the parties finish the negotiations, they will be able to enter fully into the campaign. In any case, Díaz tries to get away from that noise and has tried to place political messages with no more time to waste. During his visit to Doñana with Urtasun he has met with ecologists and affected farmers in this area of Huelva.

There he has erected Sumar as a candidacy in which the green axis is a hallmark. Díaz said that the debate today is "choosing between two models": making Spain "a power of clean energy and generating decent jobs" or "the desert model that devastates farmers and loses jobs".

The leader of Sumar has lashed out at the PP, which she has accused of advocating "deepening ecological crime" in Doñana. Thus, he has made an express appeal to Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the president of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, to sit down to dialogue with the environmental sectors, science, farmers, the Government and the European Commission to rethink their policies regarding Doñana. "The position of a rebellious right against the law is not tolerable neither in our country nor in Europe," he recriminated.

  • Can
  • Add
  • Yolanda Diaz
  • More Madrid
  • Pablo Echenique
  • Doñana
  • Compromís
  • Pablo Iglesias

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