Loane Nader / Photo credits: REMKO DE WAAL / ANP MAG / ANP via AFP 18:20 pm, June 06, 2023

Who says month of June says wedding season! As a guest, it is your duty to accompany the bride and groom in one of the most beautiful moments of their lives. The team of "Bienfait pour vous" and the columnist specialized in good manners Jeremy Come give you precisely the codes of this unique and unforgettable event, as much for the bride and groom as for the guests.

It is the month of June and therefore the beginning of the sweet wedding season. The summer heat, the green landscapes and the rays of sunshine until sunset combine the ideal conditions to make this event unforgettable. And if you have the chance to attend one of the most beautiful days of a couple's life, you will have to have previously studied the codes of this unique ceremony. Precisely, the team of Bienfait pour vous and the columnist Jeremy Come, specialized in good manners, have thought of you.

These outfits to favor (and those to avoid)

First of all, there is the obvious question of what outfit you will or will not be able to wear, at the risk of offending the bride. "For pity's sake, no extravagance, but do not trivialize the event which is an important day for the bride and groom and their families," advises Jeremy Come. So favor discretion, but not at the expense of elegance: "Ladies, put on your most beautiful dress on which you will deposit, for the religious ceremony, a stole or a jacket. You don't arrive with a neckline that's too plunging."

For the guests, it goes without saying "it is forbidden to wear the same color as the one chosen by the bride", white is therefore to be avoided. "But today, brides are a little (too) modern for my taste and sometimes there are dresses of colors," adds the columnist good manners, so it will be necessary to make sure to know the outfit of the future bride beforehand. Finally, "It is not necessarily in the best taste to change for dinner, it is a little obsolete," he says. "And yes, we keep the outfit we had. And if it's a hat wedding, you take off your hat."

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Make tables for up to eight people

Place the famous table plans, which are sometimes a source of discord between the bride and groom, but also between their families. Jeremy Come thought of the best configurations to avoid any diplomatic incident: "I advise you to make tables of eight people maximum, mixing guests, generations and separating couples." If you come with your other half, you will have to detach yourself for dinner, so prepare in advance some topics of conversation to discuss with your future neighbors. "You still have to bet on common interests or affinities," the columnist reminds those in charge of table plans.

Very important also: do not be upset not to share the meal with the new spouses. "The bride and groom are absent from their table almost all the time because they have to pass during the agapes, precisely from table to table. So it's never very pleasant to be the neighbor of the bride and groom," says Jeremy Come. More surprisingly, the latter advises the bride and groom to make a table one-on-one. "It's a moment of respite too, they can breathe, say little things to each other, say bad things about the gifts they have received," he jokes. "But it's especially more enjoyable for those who should normally be by their side." Now it's up to you to put on your best dresses and suits, and no white for ladies!