AMMAN — Many people think that children's level of intelligence is determined only by their academic level, so they are satisfied with school tests as their only measure to assess their children's mental abilities. While many studies confirm that a large percentage of children who are behind in school have high levels of intelligence, as well as great creative abilities.

The importance of intelligence tests in children lies in ensuring the integrity of their brains and their compatibility with their ages, to meet their future needs according to their actual abilities. So how can educators test intelligence in children?

"This can be achieved in several ways, including: motivating the child and providing successive explanations of his behavior, tracking his paths in academic achievement, coordinating with the school, and following up on the compatibility of his level of thinking and abilities with his peers by preparing exercises and exercises that help calculate the child's level of comprehension and intelligence," said Dr. Amal Buršek, an educational and family counselor.

The child's intelligence test, whether from parents or teachers, can be evaluated by making a comparison related to measuring differences in intelligence between peers, who are the same age, and monitoring the results of the quality of verbal and performance tests to be applied to the child, with the help of a specialist who stands on the credibility of the test.

As for evaluating the criteria of the components of any test, it shows the child's self-awareness and the level of self-management and relationships, taking into account that there are no accurate but approximate determinants of cognitive abilities in children, as there is no evidence of cognitive development in children, according to Borschke.

Problem-solving, creativity and critical thinking are signs of intelligence in children (Shutterstock)

Parent-school collaboration

On the importance of cooperation between parents and the school in following up the child and developing his intelligence, Counselor Burschek says that the matter is through systematic and organized training based on scientific and studied foundations to improve the child's performance, activate his abilities to accelerate memorization, strengthen memory, and develop his mental abilities, intelligence skills and scientific excellence.

She added that "the importance of this cooperation lies in following up on the child's achievement and developmental development, to be able to redraw his scientific, cognitive and intellectual career and its future requirements, while benefiting from non-traditional learning channels, attending interactive mental training and immersing himself in applied exercises and various events that refine skills."

Signs of intelligence

For her part, child psychiatrist Dr. Asmaa Toukan believes that some signs of a child's intelligence can be noticed at a very young age, such as the ability to smile and respond to visual and vocal stimulation, and parents can notice some signs that indicate their child's intelligence at the age of three, such as the ability to solve simple problems and creative thinking.

But it should be noted that children at this age develop differently from each other, and can differ in their skills and abilities, according to Toukan, noting that intelligence has different types in psychology that parents must distinguish to develop in their children, including: verbal, mathematical, spatial, logical, emotional, social, and practical intelligence. Each reflects a different set of skills and abilities.

Toukan: There is no better type of intelligence than another (Al Jazeera)

"Each type has a different impact on performance in daily life, and one of the most important types of intelligence that helps a child in his social relationships and mental health in the future is emotional intelligence that is formed in the child in early childhood, and can be strengthened and developed by providing a supportive and stimulating environment," Toukan explained.

Enhance emotional intelligence

Toukan suggests parents and educators promote emotional intelligence in children by teaching them to express their feelings, motivate them to empathize with others and foster friendships and positive relationships. A child's overall intelligence can be stimulated by providing a rich and supportive learning environment and encouraging exploration, curiosity and creative thinking.

However, there is no type of intelligence better than another, but even better and more important is to know what kind of intelligence the child has. Also, there are signs that can indicate intelligence, such as problem-solving ability, creativity, and critical thinking.

However, intelligence must be assessed by approved tests to accurately determine the level of intelligence, such as: the Stanford-Binet test, known as the "fifth image", and the Wechsler test to measure children's intelligence, which is supervised by a psychologist.

A child's IQ test can be assessed by making a comparison related to measuring differences in intelligence between children of the same age (Shutterstock)

IQ tests

VerywellFamily has published a set of ideas for tests that can help teachers identify interventions that a child needs, the most important of which are:

  • Common intelligence tests: It is one of the well-known forms of standardized tests, in which "normal" skill levels are compared to individual skill levels of students of the same age, and this is done through many forms and tools.
  • Group IQ tests: These usually consist of a paper test booklet and scanned registration sheets, and include group achievement tests that assess academic areas cognitively.
  • Individual intelligence tests: It includes several types of tasks, some of which are timed, and may include a test to guide responses, puzzle and game tasks, and question and answer sessions.
  • Computerized tests: which have become widely available, include tasks similar to those in individual tests, and are digitally formatted, as with all tests, and examiners must consider the needs of the child before choosing this format.