In the early 2000s, Lisa Phillips worked as a model and ended up on Jeffrey Epstein's island via a work buddy. Along with several other young women in their 20s, she dined with Epstein and also greeted Prince Andrew, she says in the documentary "Prince Andrew and the Sex Scandal."

Telling the story of Prince Andrew and her friend

Lisa Phillips and Jeffrey Epstein had a relationship that she later refers to as "abuse". She describes what the association looked like in the circles around Epstein, including Prince Andrew. According to herself, the reason for appearing in the documentary is that she wants to see the prince take responsibility for his actions.

"I want to see him pay for what he's done. Along with many other men who were involved in the whole circle," she says.

In the clip above, she talks about an incident that allegedly occurred between her friend and the prince in the early 2000s.

Denies allegations of sex crimes

Prince Andrew has previously been accused of sex crimes by a woman who also claims to be a victim of human trafficking run by Epstein. The prince denies these allegations.

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Therefore, Prince Andrew has been forced to resign from all assignments for the royal family - SVT's reporter explains in 60 seconds in the clip. Photo: Reuters

Watch "Prince Andrew and the Sex Scandal" on SVT Play.