"In a difficult, anxious time, at a time when every person falls asleep with one thought and wakes up with one thought, when the heart aches for our guys and the soul is waiting for victory and the jubilation of this victory ... Something has already happened, of course, epoch-making, still truly underestimated, but I am sure that history will appreciate it and our great Russian culture will appreciate it: the voices of amazing Russian poets sounded and shouted," she said.

According to her, these are the same clear and pure voices as the voices of a galaxy of Soviet poets who wrote about the war.

"The new galaxy of our contemporary Russian poets writing about the war is no worse than Simonov, Tvardovsky, Surkov, Drunina and others," she stressed.

Simonyan noted that it seemed very important to her to collect all these modern voices in one book - "Poetry of the Russian Summer" - and publish it.

"Thanks to everyone who participated in this, thanks to everyone who is interested. We, of course, will continue," she added.

Earlier it was reported that the RT TV channel will present the collection "Poetry of the Russian Summer" at the Red Square book festival, which will be held on June 2-6, 2023 in Moscow.