People with criminal records may face obstacles when applying for jobs because several occupations require a clean record.

For those who have served their sentence, the criminal record can remain for up to five years and it can therefore be difficult to leave their old life behind to build a new one.

"For me, it feels like you are being punished twice – once after serving your sentence, and then again by encountering difficulties in society," says Fahd Luyombya.

Investing in role models

Fahd Luyombya's HVB home tries to do something different. It recognises the potential of people looking for a job and tries to help them create a new life, both by offering employment and encouraging them to further their education.

"For many of the young people here, a role model is needed, and when they see that others have succeeded, it gives them motivation to follow the same path," says Fahd Luyombya.