Media reports, including in P4 Västernorrland, claim that the company PTL has significantly larger operations in Xinjiang province than stated, but Stefan Dalin (S), municipal commissioner in Timrå, where the billion-dollar investment in manufacturing artificial graphite will be located, does not believe that the situation is worrying.

"Based on the data we have right now, it's not a cause for concern," he said.


The autonomous (limited independent) Xinjiang province located in the westernmost part of China has a history of persecution of Uyghurs who are part of the population of the area. Among other things, Uighurs have been placed without judicial review in re-education camps where, according to the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, there are testimonies of difficult conditions and abuses.

According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, millions of Igurians and other minority groups have been imprisoned against their will.

Actions taken

Stefan Dalin does not want to elaborate on how they will now proceed in the matter, but admits that steps have been taken to find out more about the connection between the Torsboda company PTL and Xinjiang province.

In the video above, Stefan Dalin answers SVT's questions.