• Cortes Pedro Sánchez liquidates the Government after the debacle of the PSOE on 28-M and calls general elections on July 23
  • Direct Last minute after the results of 28-M
  • Madrid Ayuso and Almeida pulverize all the fiefdoms of the left in Madrid: neither Fuenlabrada nor Vallecas resist the PP
  • The six pacts between the PP and Vox Tension in Extremadura, reunion in Cantabria and barter? in the Balearic Islands
  • Opinion The Pentecost of the PP, by Jorge Bustos

At the mouth of the call for general elections for July 23, the PP has placed a new slogan on the lectern of the press room of Genoa, 13: "A Spain prepared". It is a pre-campaign slogan, because today the road to the polls has officially begun, without a solution of continuity. And without anesthesia. Let the rhythm not stop.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has appeared to make a "statement", in which he has shown his "satisfaction with the call for generals". "Better as soon as possible", he has settled, before recalling that he asked Pedro Sánchez to coincide the national elections with the local and regional ones, "so as not to hold two elections in 54 days". But, yes, he has warned his supporters that they cannot be trusted: "We have only begun. Sanchismo has not yet been repealed."

The president of the PP has made, as it could not be otherwise, a very positive analysis of the performance of his party in the 28-M. "Spain opened a political cycle yesterday, and I call on everyone to culminate that political cycle that ends on July 23. The Spaniards have said enough, so far we have come, "said Feijóo, before judging that "the path of renewal is already unstoppable."

Asked – in the only turn he granted to the press – about the policy of pacts in the autonomies and cities where the PP needs Vox to add the majority, Feijóo has assured that the "fine analysis" will be done by the territorial organizations and not Genoa, where the general panorama will be addressed. As EL MUNDO exclusively advanced, it will be the barons who will have the last word on the agreements: "It is up to them. We are going to be respectful of each other's competences and of the reality of what emerges from the ballot boxes."

Asked about his proposal to govern the most voted list, he has assured that this offer "does not expire." "If the PSOE accepts it, I am in a position to be able to talk about it and agree on it. It's in our code of democratic regeneration, I'm not going to change it," he elaborated. In the PP they believe that Sánchez will never accept a global pact "because his plan is to add with his partners even if he is second" in the generals.

Feijóo has revealed that no one from the PSOE has called him to congratulate him on the victory of the PP in the 28-M, and added that he has contacted Emiliano García-Page for having won in Castilla-La Mancha and that he will also do so with the Asturian Adrián Barbón and, in his case, with the Navarre socialist María Chivite.

Santiago Abascal has called Feijóo. "Yesterday we had an informal contact with the Vox party, crossing congratulations. Abascal and I have spoken and congratulated me on the results and I told him that he had grown a lot, "said the Galician leader. "If someone else wants to congratulate us, I am at their disposal," he challenged Sánchez.

For Feijóo, this lack of institutional courtesy shows that "another way of doing politics has begun to win, in substance and in forms." "This is about a frivolous and fractured policy giving way to another responsible and uniting society," he added.

That is why he has asked for "a clear, incontestable and overwhelming majority, to start a new course as soon as possible." And he has assured that "five years of the PSOE with Podemos Bildu and independentistas have been enough and are part of an exhausted model that must end forever." "Neither the policies nor the social climate generated are what Spain wants," he said.

Finally, Feijóo has criticized the specific institutional moment in which the elections will be held, just at the beginning of a community responsibility: "In its tendency to strip of institutionality everything that has surrounded its mandate, neither the rotating presidency of the EU has been alien to that regrettable way of understanding politics ", He added, since that rotating presidency begins on July 1, on the very edge of the polls.

Faes: "It's a flight forward"

For its part, the foundation of José María Aznar, Faes, has published an editorial in which it assures that Sánchez's decision "may surprise, but not surprise." In the opinion of the conservative think tank, "Sánchez wants to present as an act of coherence what is nothing but a flight forward, the prolongation of the state of denial in which Sánchez finds himself."

For Aznar's foundation, the advantage that the president of the Government wants to obtain is "purely tactical". "It seeks to overshadow the resounding victory of the PP" and stop "the internal fray in the PSOE that, with all certainty, was going to occur after the disaster of 28-M". That is why Faes encourages the PSOE to "consider a future without Sánchez" in which his party "recovers its status as a true state party."

  • Municipal Elections
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Vox

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