More hunters need to be trained in goose hunting as the number of geese increases and causes problems for farmers in southern Sweden, among others. The form of hunting is not particularly widespread today, according to the Swedish Hunters' Association.

Culling is common

Hunting works both as a method of intimidation but can also have a regulating effect on the entire goose population. The goose hunting season runs from 11 August until 31 January, but may vary depending on the species. Culling of goose in connection with unharvested crops can last all year round and is today relatively common.

"There are some goose enthusiasts out there who are really good, but most hunters are not used to this type of hunting," says project manager Hanna Kekkonen.

Equipment packages purchased

One of the thresholds is that some special equipment is required for the goose hunt in the form of hides and "front men", a type of lifelike goose trapper. As part of the project and complementing the training, this equipment will be purchased and made available to those who want to hunt goose.

To begin with, a total of four equipment packages will be purchased and divided equally between the pilot counties of Örebro and Sörmland.

"They will be placed in suitable locations in the counties," says Hanna Kekkonen.

Hope to get more

During late summer, the training will be carried out by among the union's members in the counties. It includes both theory sessions and practical elements with hides and front men. In 2024, the education will be available in more counties.

– Cooperation with LRF has begun and we hope for more actors, of course, such as Sweden's landowners and tenant associations who are directly affected and have geese on their land, says Jonas Fransson, chairman of the Hunters' Association in Sörmland.