It was a Saturday night in January that a man was found seriously injured in the hostel. The man later died as a result of his injuries.

Stabbed knife in the throat

A 25-year-old man, who was arrested shortly after the incident, is now charged with manslaughter and drug offences.

The man allegedly killed the victim by stabbing him in the throat with a knife.

"The crime should be assessed as less serious as it was not preceded by any planning but took place after XX was the victim of a crime," the indictment states.

Attacked with axe

A man, who is a close relative of the deceased, is in turn charged with aggravated breach of domestic integrity and aggravated assault.

He, together with another man charged with aiding and abetting a serious breach of domestic integrity, unlawfully entered the home of the person accused of manslaughter. Once inside, he allegedly stabbed him in the hand with an axe.

Stole close to SEK 3,000

The man is also suspected of a robbery in southern Sweden, which occurred two weeks before the incident at the hostel. According to the indictment, he then stole SEK 2,800 in cash and a cap from a private individual.

All of them deny any wrongdoing.

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Watch as the police cordoned off the crime scene at the hostel in Gällivare. Photo: Private