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The murder of a 16-year-old girl in the middle of a street north of New Delhi has outraged the authorities of the capital of India by the inaction of dozens of people who witnessed this event.

And, while the aggressor, a 20-year-old who has already been arrested, repeatedly stabbed the young woman, several passers-by stopped to observe the attack without doing anything to prevent it.

Even when the attacker moved a few meters away from the victim, no one came close to try to help the young woman, who was kicked several times before the aggressor finally moves away.

The brutality of the incident, coupled with the inaction of neighbours, has caused great commotion in India due to the growing situation of insecurity experienced by women in many areas of the capital.

"The whole incident was captured by security cameras. The footage shows the girl crying for help, but no one stops to help her. We need to do more to protect women and girls, Swati Maliwal, chairwoman of the capital's women's commission, told Indian news agency ANI.

Although New Delhi has seen an improvement in security in recent years, especially in neighborhoods located in the south, it remains the most unsafe Indian city for women, according to data from India's National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

In 2021, the latest available data reflects that New Delhi recorded 13,982 crimes against women, a figure that doubles the 5,543 of Mumbai, the second largest city registered in the list.

The figure rose to 428,278 crimes throughout the country, which represented an increase of 15.3% over the previous year, with violence by the husband or a relative being the most common aggression representing 31.8% of cases

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