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  • Analysis The 28-M measures the wear of Sánchez and the strength of Feijóo

Polls published at the close of polls predict a night of victories for the Popular Party. According to the polls published by GAD3 at the close of the polls, Isabel Díaz Ayuso would achieve an absolute majority in Madrid and the right would add sufficient majorities to take over the government of communities that were considered key to the PSOE, such as the Valencian Community or Aragon.

According to the polls, in Madrid the PP would achieve between 70 and 72 deputies, clearly above the absolute majority of 68. The PSOE would obtain 27 or 28 deputies and recover the second place against Más Madrid, which remains at 20. Vox achieves 9 or 10 regional deputies, and Podemos would resist for the minimum and maintain 7 deputies in the Assembly.

In the Valencian Community, the PP of Carlos Mazón would also win with 37 or 38 seats. And it would add a majority with Vox, which would achieve 13 or 14 parliamentarians according to GAD3. The fork on the right is between 50 and 52 deputies, in a regional parliament with 99 seats. On the left, the PSOE of Ximo Puig obtains between 31 and 33 seats, Vox between 12 and 14, and Podemos would reach the exact 5% to achieve 3 representatives.

A similar situation occurs in Aragon. Jorge Azcón, of the Popular Party, would obtain between 28 and 29 deputies. Vox, for its part, would add between 7 and 9. Together, the range of the right goes from 35 to 38 deputies, with the absolute majority located at 34. The PSOE of Javier Lambán would achieve 23-23 deputies, Podemos 2-3, the Chunta Aragonesista 2-3, Aragón Hay 2 and Izquierda Unida 1.

In Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page could retain the absolute majority for the PSOE with between 16 and 18 deputies. A fight is predicted, because the absolute majority in the community is 17. The PP of Paco Núñez would achieve 12 or 13 deputies, and Vox between 3 and 4.

The participation at 18.00 hours in the municipal and regional elections of this Sunday stood at 51.47%, 1.54 points above the 49.93% that reached at that time in the 2019 elections.

  • Municipal Elections
  • PSOE
  • Can
  • Citizenry
  • Vox
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Pedro Sanchez

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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