The Israeli occupation authorities inaugurated a suspension bridge between two hills in Wadi Al-Rababa in the Silwan neighborhood, south of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, as part of the Judaization projects taking place in the region recently.

The bridge extends for 200 meters, 35 meters high and 4.5 meters wide, and is built within the framework of the Israeli occupation operations to seize Palestinian land and real estate in the area.

For its part, the Jerusalem International Foundation said that the Israeli occupation government held a special meeting with representatives of the so-called Temple groups, with the aim of enhancing coordination and integration between the two sides within the framework of achieving their joint efforts to Judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque and change its identity.

According to the foundation, the meeting was held in the tunnels adjacent to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and was attended by 8 ministers from Benjamin Netanyahu's government, and 5 members of the Knesset, while on the part of the Temple groups, members of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Temple Organizations, headed by Rabbi Samson Elbaum, head of the Union.

The Al-Quds Foundation is an Arab, non-governmental, non-profit Arab organization that aims to save the city of Jerusalem and preserve its Arab identity and Islamic and Christian holy sites, according to its website.

Israeli ministers attending the meeting were led by far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, along with the ministers of foreign affairs, transport, economy, communications, heritage and environmental protection, and the minister of the Negev and Galilee.

Al-Quds International Foundation explained that the meeting with the Temple groups followed a meeting held by the Israeli government in the same place and received wide media coverage, which contributed to obscuring attention from the meeting with the Temple groups, which is the first of its kind in the history of the Temple groups and the occupation governments.

The foundation quoted Israeli Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, who participated in the meeting, as saying during the meeting that "whoever controls the Temple Mount controls Jerusalem, and whoever controls Jerusalem controls the Land of Israel."

Ben Gvir said, "There were days gone by when only Rabbi Samson and his colleagues would go up to the Temple Mount. The mountain gates were empty. Suddenly, we all rubbed our eyes, and the Speaker of the Knesset, his members and government ministers were coming there. There are changes that we are implementing slowly and calmly."

Ben Gvir then addressed Rabbi Samson Elbaom by saying, "Thanks to your perseverance and dedication even in complex and difficult days, we will be able to achieve salvation," referring to the alleged establishment of the Temple in the place of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Rabbi Elbaum said, "We are here to witness the great support for Israel's return to the Temple Mount, the state's supreme partnership with us and government recognition of us, and government and police assistance for our work."

According to the Jerusalem International Foundation, the meeting was also attended by the head of the World Zionist Organization, Yaakov Hagel, and the head of the Beitar World Movement, Yigal Brand. The Beitar movement is the first youth movement of the nationalist right in Israel, and its presence indicates an attempt to unite the efforts of the Zionist movement as an entity and a global movement in targeting the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation government approved in its second session, held on May 21, a set of decisions and budgets to Judaize the Old City and Jerusalem, including the allocation of $ 17 million to develop tunnels and Judaize the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, enhance the status of Jerusalem as the "capital of the Jewish people", and accelerate the pace of Judaization in the northern and southern surroundings of the Old City.

year 1967

Occupation excavations and tunnels

It is worth noting that Israel began its excavations under Jerusalem officially in 1968 immediately after the occupation of Jerusalem, and the number of excavations in the Old City inside and outside its walls and in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque is 64, including 15 tunnels that began to be dug since 1967, most of which penetrate the entire Old City in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The main objective of these excavations is to present a biblical narrative that Jerusalem is Jewish, but these excavations have not been able to prove this until today, and they aim to suffocate and weaken the foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque and crack it, in addition to exploiting them for the purpose of Jewish religious tourism, where tourism revenues reach millions of shekels per month.

The digging of these tunnels results in the demolition and confiscation of Palestinian land and property and the displacement of the Jerusalemite population, and it also intimidates and intimidates the residents of collapses, as most of the houses in the Silwan neighborhood are about to fall and collapse, in addition to causing the destruction and falsification of all ancient monuments under the Old City, including those left by previous civilizations such as the Roman civilization.