In recent days, there have been reports that the government's plan for Swedish NATO entry may be about to be postponed. Instead of being approved before the NATO meeting in Vilnius in July, there may now be talk of entry only in connection with the NATO meeting in Washington in April next year, according to Dagens Nyheter.

The information causes the former defense minister, now the Social Democrats' defense policy spokesperson, Peter Hultqvist, to rage:

"It's annoying and remarkable that you should get this information through the media.

"No response from the government"

At the same time, the Social Democrats are now calling for deeper Nordic cooperation to ensure Swedish security if Swedish NATO entry is delayed.

According to Hultqvist, this means that there must be deeper defence cooperation, planning and exercises between the Nordic countries, as well as a continued exchange of information regarding the naval environment and the air.

Have you received any information from the government about a "plan B" if Sweden does not join Vilnius?

"Absolutely not.

SVT News is seeking the government for a comment.