Mozambique: TotalEnergies publishes its report on the situation in Cabo Delgado

Rwandan police officers guard the Total Mozambique LNG project in Afungi, Cabo Delgado province, Mozambique, September 29, 2022. AFP - CAMILLE LAFFONT

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One of the three conditions set by TotalEnergies for the restart of its activities in Cabo Delgado, activities suspended since 2021 because of security problems, has just been met. The major was waiting for the recommendations of the report of former ambassador Jean-Christophe Rufin commissioned to assess the humanitarian situation in the region as well as the actions taken by the Mozambique LNG consortium, of which TotalEnergies is the majority shareholder. That has been done. On Tuesday, May 23, TotalEnergies made public this 50-page report written after three trips by Jean-Christophe Rufin.


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The document concludes that the security and humanitarian conditions in the area have improved, but also recommends that the company carry out a real development strategy as well as "the rapid completion of the relocation process while respecting the rights of the populations".

Among the problems identified by the report: excessively long compensation periods, restrictions on access to land for people destined to be displaced, remoteness and over-exploitation of reallocated fishing grounds.

The report makes 13 recommendations. Among them: the development of a coherent strategy for socio-economic actions, placing these actions under the authority of a senior manager whose role will be to be in contact with the various actors on the ground, including NGOs and United Nations agencies, establish a sustainable budget, carry out an audit of the procedures carried out by the providers, etc.

Faced with these recommendations, TotalEnergies ensures that all project partners have approved an action plan. It includes the creation of a dedicated foundation with a multi-year budget of $200 million, and the conduct of an audit of the relocation and compensation processes.

The text also points to the agreement between TotalEnergies and the Mozambican army. The terms of the contract inherited from the previous project provide for support for the housing of soldiers in the area, a commitment for food stewardship and the payment of an individual bonus.

But the new configuration on the ground, both security and the commitment of new forces, call for the renegotiation of this agreement. The risk is to "make the project a party to the conflict," the report says. "Any direct link between the consortium and the Mozambican army should be severed," he said. On this subject, TotalEnergies assures that the consortium has engaged in dialogue with the authorities.

" READ ALSO – TotalEnergies can resume its activities in northern Mozambique

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