The new photo identification archive was created by Johanna Stedt, doctoral student at the Unit of Aquatic Ecology at Lund University, and the idea is that it will help porpoise research forward.

"The porpoise is a protected species and we still know very little about how they live, so all the pieces of the puzzle are important for us to learn more about porpoises," she says.

The image archive makes it easier to follow the porpoises' movement patterns, which in turn can lead to increased knowledge about them.

Now two porpoises have been identified and to celebrate this, they have also been given new names by a preschool class on the Kulla peninsula.

New in Sweden

It is not uncommon to have image archives to identify individuals in the animal kingdom. For example, tubers have long had similar catalogs because they have been easier to identify. But now an archive has begun to be created for porpoises in Sweden as well.

"Now we have learned that there are quite large differences in many of the porpoises with scars and different shades in their colours. The big challenge is to get hold of pictures, but there I have a network of talented photographers who have contributed with the pictures they have taken and I also hope that the public wants to contribute with their images, says Johanna Stedt.

In the clip you will hear what the porpoises LU-023-220412 and LU-006-210313 are now called.