At the invitation of President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasemal Tokayev paid a state visit to the People's Republic of China from May 2023 to 5, 17.

The two heads of state held talks in a cordial, friendly and pragmatic atmosphere, spoke highly of the development achievements of China-Kazakhstan relations over the past 31 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, and expressed their willingness to further enhance the level of China-Kazakhstan relations, deepen cooperation in various fields, and exchange in-depth views on international and regional issues of common concern.

1. The two sides reaffirmed that they will continue to take the diplomacy of the heads of state as the guide, give full play to the role of exchanges at all levels and the platform of cooperation mechanisms in various fields, continuously deepen the permanent comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Kazakhstan, enrich the connotation of bilateral cooperation, and strive to build a community with a shared future between the two countries that is friendly, highly mutual trust and solidarity.

The two heads of state pointed out the high level of cooperation between the two sides and reaffirmed their joint efforts to strengthen China-Kazakhstan relations as always, which are characterized by unbreakable friendship, strategic bilateral dialogue, independent of the external environment, and high level of political mutual trust.

China highly values the major achievements made by the Republic of Kazakhstan in national development and construction since independence, and supports Kazakhstan in building a just Kazakhstan.

The two sides spoke highly of the domestic reforms and measures taken by the two countries for stable political, economic and social development and improvement of people's well-being.

Kazakhstan warmly congratulated the 2023th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 10 Chinese Two Sessions on the complete success, President Xi Jinping was re-elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President of the People's Republic of China, spoke highly of the great achievements made by China's economic and social development in the past <> years in the new era, and believed that the Communist Party of China will unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to build a modern and powerful socialist country in an all-round way, achieve the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

The two sides stressed that maintaining political security is of great significance. China and Kazakhstan will continue to deepen political mutual trust, increase mutual support on issues involving each other's core interests such as sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, resolutely oppose interference by external forces in the internal affairs of the two countries, and resolutely oppose politicization and double standards on human rights issues. The two sides are willing to strengthen cooperation in the field of anti-interference and prevention of "color revolutions".

The Kazakh side firmly adheres to the one-China principle, reaffirms that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, opposes any form of "Taiwan independence", reaffirms that it does not conduct any form of official exchanges with Taiwan, and supports all efforts made by the Chinese Government to realize the peaceful reunification of the country.

China firmly supports Kazakhstan's independent choice of development path and supports the Kazakh Government in taking necessary measures to maintain domestic stability, inter-ethnic harmony and promote socio-economic development.

2013. President Xi Jinping first proposed the "Silk Road Economic Belt" initiative in Kazakhstan in September 9. The two heads of state spoke highly of the results of cooperation over the past 10 years since the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthen regional connectivity, give full play to the potential of mutual trade, investment and cross-border transportation, and deepen practical cooperation in various fields under the framework of the Belt and Road.

The two sides will further give play to the coordinating role of the China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Committee, take the "Belt and Road" cooperation as the main line, vigorously promote the docking of the "Belt and Road" initiative with Kazakhstan's "Bright Road" new economic policy, jointly ensure the safety of cooperation projects and enterprise personnel, and actively open up new fields of China-Kazakhstan practical cooperation.

The two sides highly valued the record high bilateral trade volume in 2022 and the efforts made by the two governments to expand the bilateral trade volume, and are willing to continue to implement the China-Kazakhstan Intergovernmental Economic and Trade Cooperation Plan and the China-Kazakhstan Memorandum of Understanding on E-commerce Cooperation, fully affirm the newly signed China-Kazakhstan Intergovernmental Capacity and Investment Cooperation Plan and jointly do a good job in follow-up implementation. Promote the expansion of trade and trade facilitation, and expand cooperation in new fields such as e-commerce, big data, artificial intelligence, and 5G.

In order to expand and deepen cooperation in the above fields, the two sides will study the establishment of the Innovation Cooperation Subcommittee of the China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Committee.

The two sides are willing to actively promote the further expansion of bilateral economic and trade, production capacity and investment cooperation, and attach importance to cooperation in promising fields such as renewable energy, innovation, food safety, agriculture, transportation, transportation and logistics.

The two sides support domestic enterprises to invest in each other, are willing to further enhance the transparency, stability and predictability of investment policies, and will continue to work hard to ensure a stable, transparent and predictable business environment, protect the rights and interests of investors, and jointly promote cooperation projects to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

The two sides agreed to take measures to ensure the long-term safe and stable operation and stable supply of the Kazakhstan section of the China-Kazakhstan crude oil pipeline and the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline, continue to deepen cooperation in oil, natural gas and natural uranium, and actively expand cooperation in clean energy fields such as wind power, photovoltaic, solar thermal and nuclear power.

The two sides are willing to continuously improve the level of connectivity, improve cross-border cargo transportation and port transit capacity, deepen practical cooperation between China-Europe Express and the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, and promote land-sea combined transport.

The two sides agreed to promote transport cooperation to stabilize the production and supply chain, actively explore and study the possibility of a third cross-border railway and the establishment of additional railway ports, jointly develop the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, and strengthen railway cooperation between China and Eurasia.

The two sides expressed satisfaction with the resumption of air transport between the two countries and the further increase in the number of flight routes.

China welcomes Kazakhstan's further development of the Astana International Financial Center and encourages the Centre to continue to provide financial services to Chinese companies operating in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

The two sides agreed to fully support the further attraction of Chinese financial institutions in the fields of financial services and asset management to participate in the business of the Astana International Financial Center.

The two sides are willing to comprehensively deepen agricultural cooperation, set up an agricultural cooperation subcommittee under the China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Committee, strengthen food security cooperation, promote agricultural investment and trade exchanges, and enhance the level of scientific and technological and industrial exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the fields of water-saving irrigation, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, agricultural machinery, and comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land.

2015. The two sides agreed to establish cultural centres to deepen cooperation in education, science, art, sports, tourism, press and publication, radio and television networks, audio-visual, film production and other fields, based on the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Cultural and Humanistic Cooperation signed in <>.

In order to carry forward the spirit of friendship between the two peoples from generation to generation, the two sides agreed to hold joint concerts and other cultural activities to commemorate the friendship between Chinese musician Xian Xinghai and Kazakhstani musician Baikadamov.

The two sides highly value the signing of the agreement on mutual visa exemption between the governments of the two countries, and are willing to implement the above documents and study more measures to promote the facilitation of personnel exchanges and standardize cooperation in the field of immigration.

The two heads of state declared 2024 the year of tourism in Kazakhstan in China.

The two sides will make every effort to promote cooperation between educational and research institutions of the two countries and promote the effective operation of the Kazakhstan Center in China, the teaching and research departments of Kazakh language majors in Chinese universities and the Confucius Institute in Kazakhstan. The two sides will further promote the exchange of international students between the two countries and accelerate the construction of Luban workshops in Kazakhstan.

The two sides spoke highly of the work results of the China-Kazakhstan Joint Commission on the Utilization and Protection of Transboundary Rivers, and were willing to further consolidate and deepen cooperation in the field of utilization and protection of transboundary rivers between the two countries on the basis of the principles of equality, good-neighborliness and mutual benefit, so as to achieve sustainable development of the two countries and enhance the well-being of the two peoples. The two sides are willing to actively promote the study and consultation of the draft Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Allocation of Water in Transboundary Rivers, taking into account their respective water resources rights, development interests and ecosystem protection.

The two sides resolutely oppose politicizing the issue of epidemic and virus traceability, and are willing to continue to deepen cooperation in the field of health on the basis of anti-epidemic cooperation, build a good Chinese medicine center, promote cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine, and promote exchanges and contacts between medical institutions of the two countries.

The two sides support various forms of exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, tap the potential of regional and border cooperation between the two countries, encourage more provinces, states and cities to forge up, and further strengthen people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

The two sides reaffirmed their firm adherence to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, and advocated the development of international relations on the basis of mutual respect, fairness and justice, win-win cooperation, equal participation in global governance and consideration of each other's interests. The two sides are willing to deepen cooperation within the framework of multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, the Asia-Europe Meeting and the China-Central Asia Mechanism.

The two sides expressed concern over the unstable international situation and reaffirmed that they will continue to promote the primary coordinating role of the United Nations and its specialized agencies in ensuring international security and sustainable development. In this context, the two sides took note of Kazakhstan's initiative to establish a regional centre for Central Asia and Afghanistan for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Astana.

The two sides will continue to strengthen mutual support and cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, carry forward the "Shanghai Spirit", promote the consensus on building a community with a shared future for mankind, and make greater contributions to maintaining international and regional security, stability, development and prosperity.

China supports Kazakhstan's assumption of the rotating chairmanship of the SCO for the period 2023-2024 and is willing to provide assistance for its smooth work and jointly push SCO cooperation in various fields to a new level.

The Chinese side highly appreciates Kazakhstan's work as the chair of CICA and the outcome of the sixth CICA Summit held in Astana, and the two sides reaffirm their willingness to cooperate in promoting the process of upgrading CICA to an international organization.

Kazakhstan thanked China for its consistent support for the World and Traditional Religious Leaders Conference hosted by Kazakhstan, and the two sides are willing to continue to cooperate closely to promote the concepts of tolerance, religious harmony and unity for all mankind.

The two sides strongly condemn and oppose all forms of terrorism, extremism and separatism, and are willing to actively practice the new security concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable, jointly combat the "three evils", transnational organized crime, drug trafficking and other activities, and maintain the security and stability of the two countries and the region.

The two sides are willing to jointly promote global biosecurity governance and institutionalize the Biological Weapons Convention. Support and encourage biological scientific research institutions of the two countries to carry out cooperation such as joint scientific research and sharing of research and development results, carry out experience exchange and scientific research cooperation on biosecurity policies, and safeguard biosecurity and people's lives and health.

China stresses the relevance of the proposal put forward by Kazakh President Kasemjomart Tokayev at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly to establish an international biosafety body. Kazakhstan supports the Tianjin Guidelines for the Code of Conduct on Biosafety for Scientists agreed upon by China.

The two sides are willing to strengthen the coordination of positions in the global governance of cyberspace and promote the construction of a more just and reasonable global Internet governance system.

The two sides will actively cooperate in implementing the initiative of President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China to build a community with a shared future for mankind, the global development initiative, the global security initiative and the global civilization initiative.

The Kazakh side spoke highly of China's initiative to hold the China-Central Asia Summit in Xi'an, believing that the mechanism provides an important platform for deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Central Asian countries in various fields. The two sides are willing to work with other parties to give full play to the strategic leading role of head-of-state diplomacy, accelerate the construction of the China-Central Asia mechanism, establish a ministerial meeting mechanism in key priority areas of cooperation as soon as possible, continuously expand cooperation in various fields within the framework of the mechanism, and earnestly make the mechanism bigger, stronger and more practical.

Kazakhstan supports the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on "Promoting International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of International Security in the Field of International Security" initiated by the Chinese side.

President Kasemjomart Tokayev expressed his heartfelt thanks to President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese for their warm and friendly reception, and invited President Xi Jinping to pay a state visit to Kazakhstan at a time convenient for both sides.

President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China expressed his gratitude and accepted the invitation, and the timing of the visit will be agreed through diplomatic channels.

The two heads of state are confident that the consensus reached during the talks and the agreements signed during the state visit will inject strong impetus into the further development of bilateral cooperation in various fields for the benefit of the people of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This statement was signed in Xi'an on May 2023, 5 in duplicate, each in Chinese, Kazakh and Russian.

President of the People's Republic of China President of the Republic of Sacksthan

Xi Jinping Kasemjomart Tokayev