On Sunday, July 10, 2016, 17-year-old Emilie Meng leaves her friends at a train station in Korsør, Denmark. Six months later, she is found dead in a lake 60 kilometres away. No one is arrested for the murder.

Almost seven years later, on April 15, a girl disappears in the village of Kirkerup in southwestern Zealand. She has been out handing out newspapers. A massive search operation is launched and only over a day later is the girl found in a home in Korsør. In connection with this, a 32-year-old man was arrested.

Presented new suspicions

In connection with the detention hearing in the case of the 13-year-old girl on Wednesday, the court presented new suspicions against the man, who is now also formally suspected of the seven-year-old murder of Emilie Meng, as well as an attempted rape of a 15-year-old girl in November 2022.

In the criminal case involving the 13-year-old, the man is suspected on the higher degree, while in the other two cases he is suspected on the lower degree.

He has so far denied these crimes, but he has previously partially admitted crimes against the 13-year-old girl.

The man appeared in the investigation

It has turned out that the 32-year-old has long before been of interest in the investigation of the murder of Emilie Meng in 2016.

He was one of a total of 1,450 people interviewed and DNA swabbed, as in 2016 he owned just such a car captured by a surveillance camera near Korsør station at the time of Emilie Meng's disappearance.

The car has been located in Slovakia, where it was seized on 25 April this year.