• Politics Pablo Iglesias bursts into campaign with dart to Yolanda Díaz: "Whoever says 'do not make noise' underpins the speech of the boss"

Yolanda Díaz has had a walk through the meadow of San Isidro of the most intense, where she has basically gone to campaign for More Madrid and to support the options of Mónica García to the Community and Rita Maestre to the City Council. The vice president has had about 25 minutes of total delivery with the candidates, including a toast with beers, while a photo of commitment was made with the candidates of Podemos-IU, Alejandra Jacinto and Roberto Sotomayor, in an insipid meeting that barely reached the minute.

All the affection of the leader of Sumar has been concentrated in the candidates of Más Madrid, whom she and her daughter received with effusive hugs and kisses when they have met, demonstrating that there is not only a political affinity, but also a personal affection.

Díaz wanted to more than compensate Más Madrid for the walk that was given with the candidates of Podemos-IU last week in Alcorcón. And boy has it been balanced. Just "one fact", as the leader of Sumar would say: in addition to the 25 minutes she has been with them, to see García and Maestre she has had to wait 54 minutes. A time in which he has gone around the Madrid park until the moment is square to be able to take the agreed photos.

The leader of Sumar has exhibited her complicity with García and Maestre, as well as with Íñigo Errejón. Also with other members of the lists of More Madrid as Eduardo Fernández Rubiño or Carla Antonelli, who participated with Díaz in the act of Magariños in which the vice president confirmed that she will present herself to the general elections.

After meeting, hugging and kissing, all of them have taken a short walk to disembark in the municipal booth of Más Madrid in the enclosure where the patron saint festivities of the capital are celebrated. There Díaz has enjoyed a relaxed time with them that has ended with a small appetizer and with his daughter Carmela having a hamburger for lunch.

"You don't toast with water," Monica Garcia worried, seeing that Diaz had a bottle in his hands. Errejón, in a picture already usual at parties, has put a beer to the vice president who, then, has taken the photo of rigor with everyone celebrating the meeting with a cane in his hands. Above them in the booth, presiding over that stamp were two large posters that read: Vote Monica; vote Rita. The two official posters of Más Madrid in these elections.

Before that display of affection with García and Maestre, Díaz has had a somewhat oppressive passage through the meadow of San Isidro, by the crowd of people that collapsed almost every corner of the route. The leader of Sumar has made some statements in front of the hermitage of the saint, in which she has received boos from some attendees, who told her "out, out". Cries that other people have tried to counter with a "president, president."

As for the content, without naming anyone in particular, Díaz has asked voters to mobilize in favor of progressive forces to end inequality. A message in which she has been insisting in this campaign in which she tries to make balances between all the political forces that support her or that belong to her space. However, this Monday he has made clear, without saying it, what his preference is in Madrid.

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