– A unanimous education board voted through the proposal, says Åsa Evaldsson (M), who is chairman of the board.

A full-time mentor is an adult, but not trained teacher, who is responsible for a class and manages, for example, development talks and other contact with the students.

"It is worrying that there are so many who do not manage compulsory school and we believe full-time mentors are part of solving the problem. It is both an opportunity for students to improve their grades, but it also provides a better security environment, says Åsa Evaldsson (M).

Hear the union's Sonja Stranne in the clip above.

Municipal government positive

The proposal has now been voted through and approved by Ronneby's Board of Education. Now a vote is expected in the city council, but it is not yet clear when the issue will be addressed.

How will it be financed?

– We have set a budget and distributed money according to it, says Åsa Evaldsson (M).

The opposition, with the leader of the Social Democrats in the front, Ola Robertsson, is also positive about the introduction of full-time mentors.

"We have been advocating it for a long time and it seems that it is only now that they are waking up," he says.