• League The ultra invasion in the Espanyol field that embarrasses football: "Go for them" between races, robberies and knives
  • Derby Barcelona has no mercy on Espanyol and is proclaimed champion of the League in Cornellà before the assault of the radicals

The victory of FC Barcelona in the derby against RCD Espanyol last Sunday night, with which the Blaugrana were mathematically proclaimed champions of the League, was in the background by the images of a hundred local fans who invaded the grass of the RCDE Stadium and forced the Barça players to interrupt the celebration of the title and run to the changing rooms.

The Mossos d'Esquadra investigate since last night some incidents that have even had consequences in Catalan municipal politics. Specifically, in the PP, party whose electoral lists for next May 28 included two of the assailants, one of whom has already renounced his candidacy after appearing in the images throwing a television camera to the ground.

This is Yago Darnell Bruguera, who was number nine on the list of popular in Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona). His link to sport goes beyond being an Espanyol fan, since he is coordinator of the 1917 Junior Club of Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) and coach of the cadets of this entity. Darnell is also a student of Sports Management at Ramon Llull University and, in the summer of 2019, he volunteered for two months at the Vicente Ferrer Foundation in football training for Indian children.

Sources of the PP assure that Darnell is not affiliated to the party, nor resides in Sant Joan Despí, and that he presented himself to the elections of this locality as an independent.

The second case that affects the popular, although for now without resignation, is that of the number 11 of the candidacy in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona), Carlos Ferrer-Calbetó Barnils, who was already presented to the past municipal in the 13th position of the list. In the images of last night's incidents appears in the vicinity of the tunnel of changing rooms of the RCDE Stadium, already with the Barcelona players inside, receiving two blows with the baton by two agents of the Mossos, with whom he faced.

The head of the PP list in the town, Anabel Plans, has downplayed what happened with its candidate, although the party says it is analyzing the images to determine if it takes any action.

Currently, the popular have a single councilor in Cerdanyola of the 25 that form the City Council (in 2015 they had obtained three). In the case of Sant Joan Despí, the PP lost in 2019 the only mayor it had in a Consistory formed by 21 councilors.

  • PP
  • Barcelona
  • Mossos d'Esquadra
  • FC Barcelona
  • RCD Espanyol
  • People's Party of Catalonia
  • Municipal Elections
  • Politics
  • Articles Gerard Melgar
  • Autonomous Elections

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