According to RIA Novosti, the diplomat said this at a meeting of the Security Council of the world organization.

"With the connivance of Western patrons, Kiev does not shun openly terrorist methods," he stressed.

Nebenzia recalled the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge, the murder of publicist Daria Dugina and military correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky, as well as the assassination attempt on writer Zakhar Prilepin, as a result of which his driver died.

The diplomat also pointed to the statement of the head of intelligence of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, that Kiev "is ready to kill Russians around the world."

"What is this, if not open incitement to terrorism? ... How can the Secretary General and representatives of other international organizations remain silent about this?" added Nebenzia.

Earlier, the press secretary of the Russian leader, Dmitry Peskov, stressed that an attempt to attack the Kremlin by Kiev actually equates Ukraine with state sponsors of terrorism.