CAC 40 companies: dividends at a new record level in 2022

The record results of CAC 40 companies were boosted in particular by energy and luxury, including the LVMH group. Here, CEO Bernard Arnault announces the annual results of Louis-Vuitton's parent company in Paris, January 26, 2023. © Gonzalo Fuentes /. Reuters

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67.5 billion euros is the record amount of dividends distributed, in 2022, to shareholders of CAC 40 companies, the heavyweights of the Paris Stock Exchange. That's $10 billion more than in 2021. This is what emerges from the annual report of the NGO Observatory of multinationals published on Monday, May 15, 2023.


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This windfall comes from the record profits recorded by CAC 40 companies. In 2022, they made more than €138 billion in profits. Two-thirds were redistributed, in the form of share buybacks, or dividends.

Unsurprisingly, TotalEnergies topped the list, which benefited from soaring oil and gas prices. The oil giant is the company that paid the most dividends, 10 billion euros, and the one that made the most share buybacks, 7 billion, in France, last year.

Then comes the world leader in luxury LVMH with 6 billion in dividends. Enough to fuel the debate on the taxation of superprofits, and the sharing of value with employees.

Not just France, other countries around the world recorded record distributions: the United States, Canada, Brazil, India and Taiwan.


Since 2019, the #CAC40 has wiped out 16000,74 jobs in France

At the same time, its profits increased by 61%, its dividends and share buybacks by 44% (+136% and +27%), the remuneration of bosses by 2023%

Analysis of the 676 figures<>lzXRD

— Obs. Multinational (@obs_multinat) May 15, 2023

>> Read also: Finance: on the stock market, CAC 40 companies are doing well

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