The incumbent President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is leading in the presidential election. This was announced by the head of the Turkish Central Election Commission Ahmet Ener.

"As of 09:45 on Monday, Tayyip Erdogan receives 49.4%, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu 44.96%, Sinan Ogan 5.2%. Processing of ballots is ongoing. 99.4% of ballot boxes are open. Within the country, 27 ballot boxes remain unopened. Of those received from abroad, 1529 urns were not processed, "TASS quoted him as saying.

According to the state TV channel TRT Haber, according to the results of processing 100% of the ballots, the single presidential candidate from the Republican Alliance, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is gaining 49.35% of the vote, his main rival is the candidate from the united opposition and the leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu - 45%.

To win in the first round, one of the candidates had to win more than 50% of the vote. Since no one has crossed this threshold, the two contenders for the post of head of state who received the largest number of votes will take part in the second round of elections, which will be held on May 28. In this case, the winner will be the candidate who receives the majority of votes.

  • 100% of ballots processed in the presidential elections in Turkey

Erdogan on the night of May 15 at a meeting with voters of the ruling Justice and Development Party said that he was ready for the second round of elections to take place, but hoped that the final results would increase his gap from Kilicdaroglu and he would win in the first round.

"The winner of the elections, regardless of the indicators, was Turkey and its people. The voting on May 14 was one of the highest turnout in the history of the electoral processes of our country. Throughout our political career, we have shown respect for the will of the people. We express respect for the opinion of voters - both in the current elections and in all subsequent ones, "said the current Turkish leader, whose words are quoted by Anadolu Agency.

Kilicdaroglu, in turn, reproached his opponent for making a speech without waiting for the results of the vote count.

"Erdogan, despite all his blasphemy, certainly did not get the desired results ... Elections on the balconies are not won," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

"There were no special surprises"

Political scientist Alexander Dudchak, in a conversation with RT, called the expected situation in which the outcome of the struggle for the presidency in Turkey will be determined by the results of two rounds.

"There were no special surprises. One might have expected it to end this way. It was difficult to assume in advance that everything would cost in one round. Erdogan was a little short of winning in the first round. Erdogan probably still has more chances, "he said.

At the same time, the expert drew attention to the words of Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavaş, who hinted that law enforcement agencies should behave correctly. According to Dudchak, the option of developing the scenario of a "color revolution" is not ruled out.

"A large number of people voted for the opposition. This creates the ground for possible unrest and riots. Moreover, it is no secret to anyone that Britain and the United States are behind the opposition - great masters of revolutions and coups d'état. They tried to remove Erdogan as well. You can expect anything, including if it does not go according to the scenario of the opposition, it is quite possible that they will try to implement the next "color revolution" and bring the people to the square," the political scientist added.

Along with this, it was reported that Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in the second round could receive part of the votes of Sinan Ogan, who scored just over 5%.

"First, the parties will analyze the voting results, hold meetings. Ogan will try to orient his audience according to what will be decided in these meetings. Now a purely populist process is beginning in Turkey. But it is obvious that Ogan will not be able to direct his entire electorate to Kılıçdaroğlu," a source in the main opposition Republican People's Party told TASS.