• 28-M Sánchez now uses the Council of Ministers to win the vote of the elderly: cinema at two euros on Tuesdays

The president of Castilla-La Mancha wanted to make clear this Sunday his position of rejection of the fact that EH Bildu has included 44 convicted of terrorism in its lists for the regional and municipal elections of May 28. "Me with the murderers of ETA, not even around the corner," said Emiliano García-Page.

He has done so in an act of the PSOE in Puertollano (Ciudad Real) in the presence of the secretary general of the party, Pedro Sánchez, who as in the rally on Saturday in Seville has not referred to the political controversy starring a party that is a parliamentary partner in the Congress of Deputies of the coalition government that has marked the start of the 28-M campaign.

"With me there is no trap or cardboard. I have always put, put and will put the interests of Castilla-La Mancha above those of my party, "said García-Page. "I can say with peace of mind that what is good for Castilla-La Mancha is good for Spain, because we do not play to break it," he added.

The regional leader has defended that he has "very clear ideas and principles" and that he will not change them. To which he added: "I do not have to involve anyone in my reflections (...). But, when an independentista tries to bring embers, I will always raise my voice."

Sánchez, on the other hand, has focused his speech on issues such as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and drought. He has also insisted on the strategy of marking the differences "between the right and the left" to shell the measures that his Government has launched such as the increase in pensions and the Minimum Interprofessional Wage.

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