The family has become one of the central points of Isabel Díaz Ayuso's speech in this electoral campaign as it has been at the end of the legislature. In this line, the president of the Community of Madrid has announced that if she repeats in the Puerta del Sol there will be aid for fathers and mothers with multiple births or adoptions in the region.

Beneficiaries will receive 1,800 euros for each minor. In this way, those who have twins or twins will receive 3,600 euros; the parents of triplets, 5,400 euros, and those with quadruplets, 7,200 euros. This was announced by the regional leader at the Family Festival of Pozuelo de Alarcón, one of the municipalities of popular domain in the region. There Ayuso has remarked that his Government, according to the Law of Social Services, will regulate the procedure for recognizing single-parent families and issuing their accreditation title.

Following the same legal text, the Community of Madrid will also finance 50% of public transport to single-parent families with two children, thus equating them to those in the same situation with more than two who already benefited from this aid. In addition to those who have two children, the regional government will subsidize 30% of the cost of the school canteen in Early Childhood and Primary Education. An aid that will also be applied in the centers with classes in the afternoon and dining space.

During the mandate that now ends, the Community of Madrid has already focused part of its political action on facing the "demographic winter" that the region and the whole country is experiencing by applying a maternity plan, focused especially on those women over 40 years of age with economic support in fertilization treatments. These strategies also include an increase in scores for young mothers and university students so that they have more options to access the network of nursery schools and they will be awarded scholarships to obtain their official degrees.

After the announcement of maternity, the regional president has gone on a new offensive against the Government of the Nation and its partner in Congress, EH Bildu, after the announcement that convicted former militants of ETA will be on their lists. "We are going to talk about one of the protagonists of Pedro Sánchez's campaign, because he wanted it, which is Otegi," said Ayuso, who yesterday was pointed out by the leader of the Abertzale left as an example of "the campaign of the sewers of the State" against his formation. "Yesterday he pointed out to me and related me to the sewers of the State and he says it, that I believe that the Animal Welfare Law was designed precisely for people like him."

"What would it be like to live in Pozuelo or Fuenlabrada, in the same municipality where the person who has killed your father or mutilated you presents himself as a representative in the City Council. Can we imagine what it can be like to live with that misery by our side?", said the popular leader, who has accused Otegi of "altering the census in his favor because many today cannot live in their land". "If he had done so, probably, Gregorio Ordóñez would have become president and everything would have been very different," he remarked.

"I believe that the nation that admits this assault by criminals on institutions will have signed its death warrant. Because living fighting crime is terrible, but it is dignified although you can lose your life, "said Ayuso, who added that in that case what is not lost is "freedom" and "decency." "Living governed by criminals is not life, there is no democracy nor is there the rule of law that resists this," he concluded.

  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso
  • Community of Madrid
  • Fertility

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