The former EU Minister and EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström is leaving the Liberals because of the Tidö cooperation. She writes in a text message to SVT's 30 minutes.

Liberal Party leader Johan Pehrson regrets the defection in the program.

– It's a bit sad, after a long deed in the service of liberalism full of commitment to the future of Europe, Cecilia says that she does not want to pay the membership fee anymore, says Liberal Party leader Johan Pehrson for 30 minutes.

Malmström has a long background in the Liberals and is one of those who has also previously been critical of the Tidö Agreement.

Underlying criticism

"Of course, she thinks it's a difficult political situation and she feels that this is right for her," the L-leader said.

"It is clear that there may be an underlying criticism that we have formed another government that has put the left-wing populists in opposition.

More liberal policies in the Tidö Agreement

Several other prominent Liberal politicians have expressed criticism of the Tidö Agreement, and in the program Pehrson is pressed on why the Liberals have chosen to give up several issues that are important to the party.

In response to the question of whether more liberal policies have been passed in the Tidö agreement compared to the January agreement, he says:

"With the exception of things that I find difficult to digest, we will have a greater opportunity to shape ourselves in a liberal direction, but this is based on the fact that as a liberal you mean that you should have order and order in migration, integration and law enforcement. If you don't think that matters then we have another discussion of course.

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Johan Pehrson (L) on the Liberals' politics. Photo: SVT